The sun was shining bright, the room filled with a scent of the flower rose that my mother grows in the garden. The clock showed nine-thirty. It looked like I was the last to wake up. I found myself sleeping on my bed, the last time I remember is I sleeping on Theo's shoulder. Did they leave me alone and had gone to the bureau by themselves because I slept too long? I thought as I rushed downstairs.
"How many times I would have told you not to come rushing in the stairs Liz, you may trip yourself" my mother said giving me a stern look from the living room.
"Good morning to you too mom. Have you seen my friends?''
"Yeah. They are eating breakfast along with your father." she said pointing to the room beside the living room.
I stared at her for a minute and moved my way towards the dining room. Theo, Christina and Peter along with my father were having breakfast. My father as usual was reading his newspaper without noticing me standing beside him.
"Ahem" I said capturing their attention.
"Ah. Hey! Good morning honey. Just in time for breakfast. Come sit down." He said getting up." I have a lot of errands to do, see you back in lunch. "He said and planted a kiss on my fore head and left.
''Good morning Liz, I did not know you were a sleepy head" Peter said mocking.
"Yeah, and I did know you were a big time dumb."I laughed and sat beside him.
Then I leaned towards Theo and asked, "Hey, how did I end up in my bed yesterday night?"
"Oh, you seemed comfortable sleeping on my shoulders so I picked you up and tucked you into your bed." he said as he applied butter to his bread.
"Ahem" Chris coughed with a laugh. "I don't mean to disturb your conversation but, at what time should we be there exactly?" she asked with a smile on her face.
"I think the letter said at 10:00." I said nodding my head.
"Okay, then chop-chop guys. We have to go get ready." Peter said enthusiastically.
"Is there no way I can get you guys to change your minds to not go there?" I moaned.
"No, now come on sleep head let's go." Chris pulled me from the table.
"But...but I haven't eaten my breakfast yet."I protested planning to delay.
"I already packed you one since you took long to wake up, you can eat it on our way." She said looking pleased.
"Why don't you dig my grave too?!" I again groaned and we all went to get ready.
I got ready in fifteen minutes, though I could not believe how I made that possible. We were all set to leave, I told my mother we are going for a stroll by the park. Peter took the envelope and the ring, Chris and I carried our food. We left the house by nine-forty five; it was just a ten minute walk from my house to the Marphy Street.
We had reached the place mentioned in the envelope but nothing seemed different everything looked the same. We searched for Olisen everywhere around, the corner, the shops on the side of the door. But he was nowhere to be found.
We sat down at a bench beside us with our face drooped.
"Maybe we are late" Chris said looking at her watch. "But no, it shows the correct time" she said looking disappointed yet again.
My shoelaces were not tied properly due to the hurry, so when I bent down to tie them that's when I noticed a symbol of phoenix surrounded with fire embedded under our bench. I pinched Peter's leg who was sitting beside me, keeping my head bent down with eyes wide looking at the symbol.

The RavenStark Quest: Awakening
FantasyEver heard about magic, I bet you have a lot. So let me take you to another place that's filled with magic and mysteries and above all filled with honest, friendship, family and death. Elizabeth Harlow wanted to have an interesting life but unfortun...