When we turned on the corner of the street all we could see is an old abandoned workshop with scrappy floor and paints worn out and the bricks all revealed. There was no sign of Mr.Stanfeild or was there no sign of anything! It looked like the pace had completely disappeared in a blink. It was abandoned completely.
Theo and I stood with our mouth open; we literally can't imagine what was happening here.
"Are you sure Liz this is the right place?" He said confused on seeing the abandoned workshop.
"Yeah I am pretty sure" I said as I too looked mystified. We were right here thirty minutes before. How could something that existed be gone the next minute? And again dozens of questions rose in my head. I looked at Theo who was already staring at me with a puzzled look. What the heck was happening?
"What happened to this place?" Theo asked looking it from top to bottom.
"Obviously I don't know." I said looking immensely confused myself.
"How can a building that was present just thirty minutes ago in good condition when compared to the one right now, be gone?" Theo exclaimed.
"First, it wasn't in a good condiotn from the start and...Wait a minute."I stopped."Why did you urge us to come over here? It definitely must not be because you wanted to buy a stupid ring."I asked looking sternly at him.
"Wait, are you saying I knew this was gonna happen? Like I knew a building is going to disappear?" he exclaimed looking at me.
"Well, it certainly looks like it."
"Liz, I just thought that some sort of pot or weed dealing was going on. You know, all these days' news reports are all over it." He replied back.
I just looked at him confused, unable to understand what he was talking about. He looked at my perplexed face and took a big sigh.
"Of course you don't see the news, how could you have known." He said and I snorted back at him. "You know, now- a -days dealers are selling pot to teenage kids through these kinds of accessories and stuffs."
"How can they sell pot through things Theo? It does not make any sense."
"Well, I don't know they say looking at it provides hallucinations or some sort like that, it was on the news and I as a good friend just wanted to check out whether this workshop was doing it. And apparently now it has been abandoned suspiciously." Theo said looking focused at the workshop.
We then went inside to make sure if Olisen was still there. But there was no sign of anything I saw earlier, it looked like it had been shut down for years. Cobwebs filled every corner of the wall, mice shrieked as we entered. There was no display of any things or items on the glass shelf I saw before when I came with Peter and Christina.
We walked back with perplexity. We came to the pizza shop where Peter and Chris were. We walked inside, and we heard a blaring noise.
Everybody was yelling Peter's name. We saw the back of a man who was trying to stuff the largest pizza in his mouth. We moved forward to get a better look and there he was sitting, with the giant pizza unable to swallow.
''Pete?!" I exclaimed with a hilarious shock. Of course he could not hear me with all this noise. So I moved forward and pulled his collar and shouted ''What the hell have you been doing? Do I have to pull your collar every time to stop you from doing anything stupid?" I screamed on top of all the noise.
Peter was not able talk. Not because I shouted at him, but because his mouth was stuffed by the giant pizza. I frowned.
"Where's Chris?"Theo asked.
"Did anybody call my name?" A voice came from behind of us. Christina.
Her mouth was covered with sauce all around it."Don't tell me you too have been stuffing giant pizza in your mouth" I said as I stared at her with anger.
"No I just happen to spill sauce while I was eating" she said with a laugh. "And where have you guys been all this time. Did you go to get change or to rob a bank" she smirked.
Theo and I explained everything that happened after we left them in the pizza shop.
After we finished our explanation Peter's and Chris's mouth were wide open, just like ours was when we saw the abandoned spooky workshop.
"What? The workshop has disappeared." Peter shouted in wonder.
"Shh Pete." I said silencing him. "No, not disappeared just completely abandoned.
"This is insane. I mean how can it happen? How could a building that we just saw...get abandoned. That's completely absurd?" Chris said unable to believe what she heard.
"Well as impossible as it sounds it is true." Theo said.
"What do we do now?"I asked looking at them.
"Maybe we should tell our parents about it? Peter suggested.
"Yeah, as if they are going to believe four pathetic teenagers saying some story about a building getting abandoned." I said smirking.
"Yeah, Liz is right. Forget believing they would never hear it halfway." Theo said.
"So, what do we do? Let it go?" I asked.
"Well, I am not going to let it go until I know what happened. It sounds interesting" Peter exclaimed passionately.
"Not letting go, Peter. I mean, um, we could just, I don't know..." Theo said not being able to give the correct answer.
"It's getting late guys; we still need to go to Tris's party." Chris said looking at the time in her watch.
"I don't think I want to attend it, I guess she wouldn't mind." I said looking tired.
"Neither do I" Peter and Theo agreed.
"Well, I am not going if you guys are backing out." Christina said shaking her head.
"Okay, we will just wish her over the phone." I said.
After that a two minute silence fell over us, we just kept quiet. We knew we just experienced something abnormal or absurd or whatever it meant, we just did not know what to do about it.
"Liz, I think I might come to your home tonight." Peter said all of a sudden.
"What?" I asked surprised.
"I mean, you guys come tell me the person we just met has vanished into thin air, how am I supposed to be alone at night in my house. And you wouldn't even investigate further about it." He said dramatically.
"Don't you have your parents, Peter pan?" Christina mocked though it gave a shrill through our skin whenever she commented on us having parents when she didn't in a funny way.
"Um, yeah I do, Chris. But they are out of town for a few days." Peter answered carefully.
"Yes, of course Pete, you can stay with me for a day. I wouldn't mind unless you don't eat all of Mum's cookies every time you come." I said smiling at him.
"Well, you can't argue with the fact that your mum makes the best damn cookies in the world." He replied with a chuckle.
"No way you are gonna have slumber without me." Christina said cutting in.
"Ok, Chris. You are more than welcome to come to my house." I said giving her a tight hug.
"What about you mate? Are you coming?" Peter asked looking at Theo.
"Well yeah, if Liz is okay with it." Theo said looking at my raising his eyebrows. The story behind this awkward conversation is actually because Theo and I have had a 'past.' So, sparing you with the detail lets just say it is complicated.
"Ofcourse, you can come." I said giving a little smack on his arms in a playful way.

The RavenStark Quest: Awakening
FantasyEver heard about magic, I bet you have a lot. So let me take you to another place that's filled with magic and mysteries and above all filled with honest, friendship, family and death. Elizabeth Harlow wanted to have an interesting life but unfortun...