No. It isn't possible. It just can't be. I was born to my parents Dessa and Aiden Harlow in a completely normal human way and not from a cauldron! It can't be happening. I felt nauseous and dizzy. My whole life has been a lie. My parents aren't real and if this is the case I don't even have parents, at least not biological ones. I was supposedly formed or created from the DNA of a man who has been dead for centuries. My whole world shattered in front of me. Nothing seemed to make sense. Was it really my reality? I questioned over and over again even when I knew the horrid answer.
"I am sorry for keeping this away from you, hiding the identity of who you are." Olisen said looking intently.
I wasn't able to speak anything; suddenly I forgot all the words to talk. I just stayed there completely still, hoping that this was all still a horrible nightmare.
"Then why was I in another world and not here like Ethan?" I spoke up after a minute.
"Everyone knew Ethan made it through but your existence? It was kept furtive. As far as anyone is concerned you did not survive the attack and we intended to keep it that way." Olisen said
"So you sent her away into an unknown world, into a foster home?" Christina questioned.
"No, no dear. Dessa and Aiden Harlow are from Ezra." Olisen said, shaking his head.
Okay, there we go another bomb goes off; again.
"We needed to get you someplace safe away from all this until it was the right instance to come back. The Harlows are one of the most respected people of Ezra, but they were unknown to Cyana which made them the perfect asset. They were skilled and had a significant knowledge of the human world. They took responsibility for you and Ethan, and you two became Elizabeth and Ethan Harlow. Since it was certain that one day or the other danger would come searching for the baby boy we had to keep you two separated. Thus..."
" sent me away from the only real family I had." I finished.
"We had no other choice Elizabeth."Olisen said culpably.
"Yes you had. You could have let me die rather than believing that I would be your savior." I burned up. "Look at me! How would I protect you or anyone? You are just deluding yourself. I do not have magic if that wasn't clear to you all."
"That's true.You don't have magic but you do have something that no witch or wizards in this whole world has." He said it was satisfactory. "You see, during the ritual something happened that answered the question as to why two never got the magic of Oliver. You two weren't created biologically."
"As if we hadn't heard that already." I interrupted.
But Olisen looked calm and continued "That creation defied every law of nature. So to keep the poise between magic and the raw powers of nature, the magic inside you was traded instead you got the power of nature."
"Power of nature? What is that?" I asked, afraid of what's coming next.
"Water and Fire are one of the two most important elements of nature. And it resides in you Elizabeth. You weren't only the heir of Oliver RavenStrak but you are also the only child of nature along with Ethan." Olisen put in plain words.
"What?" I shrieked."I must have heard you wrong; did you just say that the element of water and fire's inside me?"
"No not water just fire element and Ethan constitutes of the water element." Olisen said hurriedly.
"So you are saying she is made of fire?" Peter spoke up after so long.
"Technically yes, but just not yet." Olisen clarified
"What do you mean not yet?" I asked.
"Like how magic is seen in a person only after a certain age likewise your fire aspect will be seen at the age of 18." Olisen pressed the number eighteen.
"I haven't turned eighteen yet and my birthday's...."
"Next week, I know." Olisen nodded.
"Of course you knew." I rolled my eyes. "So, what happens then? I turn into a ball of fire?"
"I am not sure about the course of action that will happen during your transformation, but for Ethan he died." Olisen spoke carefully not to get me terrified but without any luck.
"Died? Yeah that's a very nice transformation" I said sarcastically with a huge amount of exasperation.
"But he came back into something fascinating. He was covered in a cocoon and once he came out of it the first thing he did was control water out of his bare hands. He maneuvered it. At the initial stages it was hard to control it. But Ethan is a strong kid; he practiced time and time again. The only reason was you Elizabeth."
"Me?" I questioned. Seems like the only thing that I have been doing since my influx is either asking questions or having repeated heart attacks.
"Before you come back home..."
Home. Is this my home? It felt weird hearing it.
"....we wanted to make sure this city was safe enough to return. Everyone mostly saw you and Ethan as this city's savior cause of the prophecy, but to Ethan you were his little sister and his only family. He wanted to see you so badly but before that he wanted to become a better person, a brother capable and worthy enough to protect his sister from any treacherous danger." He said warmly.
I get it now I have a mysterious brother who obviously knows everything about me however I know nothing in return. It felt odd having someone that cares this much about you and yet you were missing for almost half of their life.
"I was brought here for my transformation? Is the transformation avertable?" I asked the obvious.
"Yes that's right you were brought for the transformation and it still remains as a question whether it is avoidable entirely but we have engineered a way to stop it." Olisen said.
"So what follows the transformation? War? Do you want me to fight a war against the most powerful witch and become the savior of Ezra?" The thought itself was petrifying.
Olisen pressed a smile on his face and said "You are right about being the savior of Ezra, but we are not asking you to fight the war Elizabeth. We in fact are asking you not to..."

The RavenStark Quest: Awakening
FantasiEver heard about magic, I bet you have a lot. So let me take you to another place that's filled with magic and mysteries and above all filled with honest, friendship, family and death. Elizabeth Harlow wanted to have an interesting life but unfortun...