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The day had finally arrived. The day when history was made. The day when earth and dark forces collided. This day was the darkest of days that the wizards and witches remember.

Rain was pouring, thunder and lightning struck; it seemed something bad, something terrible and dark was about happen.

Astroph, Lyra and Nina paid their homage to Laura. Buried her deep underground.

Flora setero... Lyra chanted, making a round with her fingers, quickly flowers appeared at Laura's grave.

"She is always with us, so is father. In here." Astroph said keeping his hand near his heart.

Revenge filled their eyes, they were going to avenge everyone'sdeath no matter how hard it seems and no matter what it takes.

"You two need to change. There are clothes in the room." Nina suggested pointing towards their ragged clothes, which was red from all the blood

"You go ahead, Ly. I need to take Nina for a minute." Astroph said looking at his sister.

"Sure." Lyra said and went ahead.

"Sit down a moment, please." Astroph said to Nina who was in no mood to talk to him.

"For what? So, you could lie and keep secrets from me, again?" Nina demanded walking a few steps away.

"I said I am sorry, N. I did not intend to hurt you in any way." Astroph pleaded walking towards her.

"My children...our children were in danger. If you had just told me about the curse." Nina said turning towards him with anger in her eyes.

"We thought she was dead, N. She disappeared for a decade. Her memories faded over time." Astroph said taking her arm.

"Faded?" Nina fiercely said, taking off his hand. "She put a curse on the kids of your family tree and you are saying the memory of it faded?"

"It faded because my brother removed it from his memory." A sudden voice came from behind.

Lyra stood there with her wedding dress in her hands which was soaked with blood, dripping on her new set of clothes she wore. Black robed shirt and pants, knee length boots and a long sleeved red hood.

"Astroph removed it from his memory using memorale charm. He would only be remembered about it when it the was right time. I too was suddenly shocked when he offered to tell you the past." Lyra said coming forward. "Astroph was the closest one to Cyana more than me, she was more than an elder sister to him, she was his bestfriend. After tragedy struck Cyana, Astroph couldn't handle the pain even when he knew she is evil he could not let his sister go. So he erased him from his life, he erased every single memory of her."

"Is that true?" Nina looked at Astroph and asked.

"Yes." He replied.

"Why did you not tell me this before?"

"I was about to, but then you ambushed me with your anger." Astroph said with regret in his eyes.

"I am sorry, I really am. I was just so worried about the kids and..." Nina said apologizing.

"Hey, hey, I completely understand. And you and the kids are the best thing that has ever happened to me." Astroph said hugging her.

"Ahem, then what about me?" Lyra said interrupting them.

"Oh, little sister you too." Astroph said pulling her in for a hug.

"Now go get changed brother, we need to go hunting for an evil witch." Lyra said with fierce in her bloodshot eyes.

Soon after Astroph changed, they said goodbye to the cottage and set off on their way.

'Horseterio beasteria...' Lyra again chanted the words and three horses materialized before them.

"Grab your courage, fight with bravery and avenge the dead." Nina gave a war cry.

Cyana, the evil that has returned. Astroph and Lyra both knew that she is more powerful than the three of them combined, but they knew that if they stick together they could fight anyone or anything. Revenge was Cyana's one and inly aspiration. Just revenge. But for the other three more than revenge family mattered to them which beats all the the other emotions.

The three boarded their horses and rode towards the castle of Scarlett, the last place they saw the attackers.

When they reached the palace, they felt the occurrence of someone inside it.

"We can't just walk through the front door; we must find another path inside." Lyra said looking at the huge castle door which was closed.

"Yes, you are right. But through where?" Astroph asked "We don't know where the attackers are present."

"What about through the underground tunnel that reaches kitchen, I am sure none will know about it, it was opened just recently." Nina put forth her idea.

"Yeah, you are genius N." Lyra exclaimed enthusiastically hugging her.

"Where's the tunnel?"

"It's right under the east wall of the castle. Come on, follow me." Nina said insisting them to follow her.

"The stench is horrible." Astroph said grabbing his nose.

"Er, are you sure that there's no way to go inside rather than this?" Lyra said looking disgusted.

"If there were other options we would have found it by now." Nina smiled looking at all their cringed faces.

"Okay. If it is for the sake of the kids and Wynston, I am ready to go. Even if it means going inside a stench tunnel."Lyra said taking a deep breath. "Astroph, you go first."

"Why me? You are the one who gave the speech." Astroph growled.

"Because you are older." Lyra said pushing him front into the sewer.

"Ugh." Astroph moaned and walked forward.

Lyra followed him and Nina right behind her.

They walked and walked for about ten minutes, but still they couldn't find an entrance. The smell became more horrible each second, it was getting impossible to breathe

"Nina, are you sure this path leads to the kitchen..?" Lyra said on a different voice due to her finger closing her nose.

"Yeah, I am sure. I heard the housekeeping talking about the strange smell that comes from the sewer to the kitchen. That's when I found out about this path." Nina said assuring.

"Look." Astroph pointed to an iron grill up.

"It must be the opening." Nina said

"It's locked." Astroph said reaching his hands up to open it.

"Sephronus..." Lyra said and the grill banged open.

"I was just about to do that." Astroph said rolling his eyes at Lyra.

They climbed the iron ladder that was along the wall and reached the floor of the kitchen. Their stench filled the kitchen room at once.

"Cleario..." Nina said clearing all the scent that surrounded them.

"Ahh,thank god N, you still remember that spell." Lyra said smelling the freshbreathe of air.

The RavenStark Quest: AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now