Becky Wrestles An Alligator And Kills Him

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Becky: *sees an alligator* I see you, dude! *grabs him by his tail and wrestles him* You ain't getting away from Becky St. John!

Benjamin: Leave that alligator alone!

Becky: Shut up, Benjamin! *still wrestling the gator*

Benjamin: The alligator didn't do anything to you! Leave him alone!

Becky: *kills the alligator*

Alligator: *dead*

Benjamin: You killed him!

Becky: I sure did! *takes the dead alligator home with her*

This story was written on Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020.

A/N Whoo hoo! Becky killed the alligator! Nice going, buddy! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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