Dead Alligators In The House

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Lewis: Tilda, what's the deal with all these dead alligators?

Tilda: I am so obsessed with them, Lewis!

Lewis: Why?

Tilda: I just am!

Lewis: Dead alligators on the sofa, in the bathroom, basement, and in your bedroom!

Tilda: Yup! Also in the attic!

Lewis: Where did alo these alligators come from?

Tilda: Florida! They get killed, then someone ships them here!

Lewis: Um, okay...... I don't understand you, Tilda.

Tilda: And, I am having people come over to adopt these dead gators!

Lewis: You finally lost it!

This story was written on Wednesday, September 16th, 2020.

A/N Her house is just swamped with dead alligators! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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