Wrestling Benjamin

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Benjamin: You ain't so tough, Pam!

HigherthanHeaven: Want to repeat what you said?

Benjamin: I said, you ain't so tough, Pam!

HigherthanHeaven: Oh yeah? I ought to wrestle you, boy!

Benjamin: Who you calling boy? I'm older than you!

HigherthanHeaven: Honey, I don't give a rat's butt! I am gonna wipe the floor with you!

Benjamin: I ain't scared of you!

HigherthanHeaven: *starts wrestling Benjamin and picks him up, and throws him down to the ground*

Benjamin: No!!! Stop it!!!

HigherthanHeaven: *pile drives him* You messed with the wrong chick!

Benjamin: Help!!!! *getting bruised*

Me: Can't help you, man!

Benjamin: She's a lunatic!

This story was written on Saturday, September 12th, 2020.

A/N Pam is a good wrestler! Reminds me of the time she wrestled that gator, and killed him! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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