Go Away You Stupid Images

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Me: These images won't leave me alone!

Pink Flowers: Ha ha! We love to play tricks on you!

Honeycomb: We're never going away!

Lines: We come in a variety of colors!

Dots: As do we!

Butterflies: We are here to stay! We will pop up at random times! Even with your eyes closed!

Snowflakes: Just deal with us!!! We ain't going nowhere!

Me: *looks at a pic of the beach with the ocean waves, sand, and clear, blue skies*

Unwanted Images: No!!!! *disappear*

Me: *keeps staring at the pic of the beach* This is my safe place! *closes my eyes* Clear blue skies, the ocean waves crashing onto shore, and the sand beneath my feet.

Melissahoel1: Yay, Will! Whoo hoo!!!!

This story was written on Thursday, September 24th, 2020.

A/N Begone, unwanted images!!!! And, don't come back!!!! 😡😡😡 That goes for you too, snowflakes!! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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