Dead Alligators In Her Room

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Rebecca loved dead alligators so much. Her room was scattered with dead gators. They been shipped from Florida, to her home. Her mom disapproved of them, but her dad didn't seem to mind. Her little sister, Chris, loved dead alligators, too.

"Those dead alligators have got to go!" said her mom.

"They're not going anywhere!" said her dad. "Our daughter loves dead alligators, and she should keep them!"

"Exactly!" nodded Rebecca.

"Can I take two dead alligators, to keep in my room?" asked Chris.

"You sure can!" said Rebecca.

"Whoo hoo!" said Chris, jumping up and down. She took a gator by it's tail, then came back for the second one.

"You kids are nuts!" said their mom.

"Honey, quiet!" said their dad.

This story was written on Friday, October 2nd, 2020.

A/N Rebecca just loves dead alligators, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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