In Danger Of Failing Math

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Wawa High School

Wawa, Tennessee

Amelia was sitting at her desk, in her math class. She was having a geometry test, tomorrow, and it was extremely critical for her to study. She hasn't been studying, but rather stay out past curfew, and neglecting her homework duties.

Mr. Johnson stepped into the classroom, had everyone study for their Geometry test, tomorrow. Amelia, on the other hand, just put her head down on her desk. She barely got any sleep, last night.

"Wake up, Amelia!" demanded Mr. Johnson. "You have a test to study for, now get busy!"

"Can I sleep, instead?" asked Amelia, with her head still down on her desk.

"You most certainly cannot!" barked Mr. Johnson.

"Okay, whatever you say, Curtis!"

"Please address me as Mr. Johnson!"

"What's wrong with calling you Curtis?"

"Will you be quiet, and study? You know what?


"I want to talk to you, after class. I have something very serious to discuss with you."

"Um, sure," said Amelia.

When math class was over, and all the other students left, Mr. Johnson waved Amelia over to his desk.

"You haven't been doing very well in my class, Amelia," said Mr. Johnson, in a stern tone. You have been sleeping in my class, talking to other students, and not turning in your homework."

"I don't really care, okay?" snapped Amelia.

"Watch that attitude, now!" warned Mr. Johnson. "It's gonna get you into a lot trouble, if you're not careful! As I was saying, you haven't been doing so well. Your grades haven't improved this semester. If this keeps up, you will be flunking math."

"And?" said Amelia.

"You may have to repeat the 10th grade."

"No! I want to graduate in 2023!"

"Unless, you can do better, and show more interest in doing your homework, and study, you are at a higher risk for failing, and repeating the 10th grade. You better get going to your next class. Go on, now."

"Thanks for the pep talk," said Amelia, in a sarcastic tone. She left to go to her World History class.

This story was written on Monday, September 14th, 2020.

A/N Amelia better get her act together, or else! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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