Karma Can Hit Ya Hard!

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Victoria: *on Wattpad* I muted Will!!

Laura: That's awesome! I did too! He actually thought we were his friends!

hopeslastdrop: You girls make me sick! Why would you mute someone that wasn't rude to you? A lot of people have muted Will for stupid reasons, and I don't play those types of games! I want this nonsense to stop, RIGHT NOW!!!!!

Victoria: *mocking* Or what?

Laura: *mocking* You got me shaking in my boots!

Victoria: *gets muted by her friend on Wattpad* Hey, what the? Did Stephanie just mute me?

Laura: *gets muted by Stephanie too* No way! She muted me too!

hopeslastdrop: That's what you call karma!

Stephanie: *on Wattpad* I muted them, because they were talking inappropriately to my cousin!

Victoria: What did we ever do to her?

Laura: Exactly!

hopeslastdrop: I'm sure Stephanie has a valid reason for muting the both of you! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get Will a pizza, to cheer him up! You girls have no idea, how upset he is right now!

This story was written on Saturday, October 3rd, 2020.

A/N I wrote this story to vent! I am sick and tired of people muting me for no reason! 😡😡😡😡 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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