Nothing Like Payback!

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Harvey: *at a house party* This is the life!!!!

Amy: Jessica, why did you invite this dork?

Jessica: I regret it! He has to go!

Harvey: *dancing to the music*

Jessica: Harvey, you have to go!

Harvey: What, why?

Jessica: Cause, you are a dork!

Harvey: I'm not a dork!

Amy: Did you really think we were your friends? *laughing* What a loser!

Maggie: Exactly!

Rachel: Sorry, loser, you have to leave!

Harvey: Fine, I'm going! *leaves in anger*

Girls: *laughing at Harvey*

Harvey: I been stabbed in the back! *looks at some dynamite* Hmm, dynamite! I'll give those girls an explosive party! *lights up the dynamite and tosses it to Jessica's front porch* Nighty night, girls! *watches from a safe distance*

Girls: *still laughing about Harvey, blissfully unaware of their imminent demise*

Dynamite: *blows up Jessica's house and killing the girls*

Harvey: Whoa!!! *sees the plume of smoke going into the air* That's what I call payback! *goes to get a pizza*

This story was written on Monday, September 7th, 2020. (Labor Day)

A/N Those girls were a bunch of snobs! Harvey did what had to be done! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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