New To High School

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Ashley: *trying to open her locker* I stink at trying to get the locker combination right.

Renee: You new to this school?

Ashley: Yes.

Renee: I'm Renee, what's your name?

Ashley: I'm Ashley.

Renee: You need help opening your locker?

Ashley: Yes, I can't get this stupid combination right.

Renee: What's the combination? *putting her fingers on the padlock*

Ashley: 17, 8, 3.

Renee: *moves the dial on the padlock and gets it open* There ya go, Ashley!

Ashley: Thank you so much! *puts her things into her locker*

Renee: Don't mention it! If you ever need anything, I'm here! Bye!

This story was written on Thursday, September 3rd, 2020.

A/N Renee was kind enough to help get Ashley's locker open! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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