Lifeguard At Myrtle Beach

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Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Terrance: *building a sandcastle*

Jennifer: *surfboarding* Hey, dudes!

NicoleTrent: *on lifeguard duty*

Brian: *laying on his towel*

Nicole: *drowning in the water* Help!!!!! I can't swim!!!

NicoleTrent: Oh no!! Don't worry, I'll save you!! *rushes from her post, and into the water to save Nicole from drowning* You okay?

Nicole: Yes! Thank you so much! I thought I was done for!

NicoleTrent: Don't mention it! A lifeguard's job is never done!

This story was written on Tuesday, September 29th, 2020.

A/N Nicole did her good deed for the day!! A balmy day in South Carolina, for the beach! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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