Tina Serves People Food

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At a busy restaurant.....

Marco: You are to serve the customers their food! And make it snappy!

Tina: I'm too young to be a waitress!

Marco: Shut up, and get to work!

Tina: *serves a man pasta fettuccine*

Man: Thank you! *eats his food*

Co Worker: Order 37!

Tina: *takes the order* Who ordered the soup of the day?

Woman: I did!

Tina: Here. *gives the woman her soup*

Woman: Thank you! *eats her soup*

Man: Need a refill!

Tina: Okay.

This story was written on Wednesday, September 30th, 2020.

A/N The punishments keep on coming! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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