Rude Customer At Burger King

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Lyla was at Burger King, getting lunch. She was a in a line that extended from the entrance. She hated lines. She cut in front of everyone and got a lot of complaints. "Back of the line, jerk!" barked a man.

"I want my food, now!" hissed Lyla.

"Back of the line, lady!" said a Hispanic man.

"Why don't you mind your own business?" snarled Lyla.

"No habla Ingles, senora!" said the Hispanic man.

"I don't speak Spanish, moron! Just where are you from, anyway?"


"Forget it!"

The line eventually moved, and Lyla ordered two Whoppers, with cheese, a large Sprite, and a Hershey pie. The BK employee gave her the wrong order, which was the Spicy Chicken Nuggets.

"Dude, I asked for two Whoppers!" barked Lyla. "Do your job right!"

"Sorry, Ma'am!" said Ryan, the BK employee. He gave her the right order, along with the pie. "Have a nice day."

"Eh, shut up!" said Lyla, as she stormed out of Burger King with her food.

This story was written on Wednesday, September 30th, 2020.

A/N Lyla was so rude! As for the Hispanic dude, he is from Chile! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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