Melissa Sets Benjamin Straight

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Melissahoel1: *grabs Benjamin by his shirt* You no good rotten jerk!!! Why did you tell Will I went to Russia?!!

Benjamin: I just wanted him to be upset.

Melissahoel1: I didn't go to Russia, Benjamin! I would have told Will, if I was! You are such a self centered douchebag!

daddieslittlelolita: *slams Benjamin with a dead alligator she killed* Take that! *swinging the dead alligator by his tail and slams Benjamin again! And that!!! They don't call me Miss Alligator for nothing! *giggles*

Me: That's right, babe! *chuckles*

Benjamin: I'm sorry, okay?

daddieslittlelolita: You jerk! Don't make me have to do it again!

Benjamin: Okay!

This story was written on Monday, September 21st, 2020.

A/N That'll teach him! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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