Lost At The Big E! Oh No!

19 4 5

West Springfield, Massachusetts

Me: This line is incredibly long!

Becky: Tell me about it, buddy! Hopefully, we won't have to wait another hour!

Ernie: We should have brought tents, so we could beat the line!

Becky: *laughing* Yup! Did Emma get here yet?

Ernie: I think she's at the Vermont building.

Becky: Oh, okay. Allie has been a real troublemaker, as of late!

Me: I heard! She's not coming to the Big E!

Becky: The line is finally moving!

Me: About time! *pays the admission fee*

Ernie: *pays the admission fee*

Becky: *pays the admission fee*

Me: Mario and Austin are already here.

Ernie: Mel couldn't go. She had to work.

Me: That's right.

Emma: Hey, guys!

Bridget: Hi.

Emma: So, now that are all here, what should we do first?

Me: *showing a funny video to Becky*

Becky: *laughs at the funny video* That's hilarious, buddy! A girl keeping a dead alligator in her house!

Me: *laughing* I know, right! *sees that everyone disappeared* Where did everyone go?

Becky: Oh boy! Looks like we got separated, buddy! Let's see if we can find them!

Me: Good luck! Too crowded, here!

Boy: *eating clam fritters*

Becky: *sends a text to Emma* I texted Emma, where she and everyone else is.

Me: Okay.

Time skip.....

Becky: Darn it! She hasn't responded! It's been 2 hours! We're lost and seperated at the Big E! Of all places!

Me: Exactly! I'm starving!

Becky: Me too! Let's get some pizza, and sit down at the bench over there!

Me: Okay! *looks at the sign* Free pizza!!!! Wow! *gets a large cheese pizza and a Sprite*

Becky: *gets a large pepperoni pizza and a Coke* Hopefully, no yellowjackets to bother us!

Pizza Man: No worries, Ma'am! We sprayed all the yellowjackets, before people started coming!

Becky: Wow, thanks! *sits down at a bench*

Me: *sits with Becky* We better find everyone else, soon! Looks like rain!

Becky: *looks at the sky and sees storm clouds gathering* Could also get a storm! Forgot my umbrella! Let's eat, buddy, before we get soaked! And, hurry! *eats her pepperoni pizza, quickly*

Me: *eats my cheese pizza, quickly*

Becky: *drinks her Coke to wash it down*

Me: *drinks my Spite to wash it down*

Becky: *hears thunder* Oh no! We better head for some shelter, buddy!

Me: Isn't this a fine kettle of fish? First, we get lost and seperated from everyone, and now we're about to be caught in a storm, and get soaked? What a thing to happen!

Becky: You know what? Let's not find everyone! You and me are going to Greenfield! It's a bit of a drive, but it's worth it!

Me: *eating my last slice of pizza* Alright! Let's run to your car! *runs*

Becky: *runs after me* Buddy, wait up!

Me: *gets in your Lincoln*

Becky: *gets in her Lincoln, and starts it up* I say, we spend the night here in Massachusetts!

Me: I have to work, tomorrow!

Becky: Call out!

Me: Okay! *calls my job*

Becky: *puts the windshield wipers on, and drives out of the fairgrounds*

Me: All set!

Becky: Great!! *merges onto Interstate 91 north towards Greenfield*

Me: This rain is really coming down!!

Becky: No kidding! *driving on Interstate 91 northbound towards Greenfield*

Me: *gets a 22 News Storm Team Weather Alert* Flash Flood Warning in effect for Hampden, and Hampshire counties!

Becky: Yikes! I thought the weather here in Massachusetts was supposed to be sunny! *driving*

Me: I thought so, too. *sees cars and trucks with Massachusetts license plates pass on by in the pouring rain*

Time skip.....

Greenfield, Massachusetts

Becky: Here we are! Let's check into this hotel, buddy!

Me: Okay! *goes inside the hotel*

Becky: We want a room, please!

Lady At Front Desk: *gives Becky a room key* Your room is Room 213, on the second floor. Enjoy your stay.

Becky: Cool! Let's head to the elevator, dude!

Me: Okay! *pushes the button*

Becky: *gets a text message from Emma* She wants to know where we are!

Me: Tell her, we're in Greenfield!

Becky: *texts Emma back* Greenfield. Will and I are at a hotel.

Me: *pushes the button for the 2nd floor*

Becky: Emma wants us to come back to West Springfield! No way! I'm almost out of gas!

Me: Exactly! Tell them to go back to Connecticut, when they are done at the Big E!

Becky: *texts Emma back* Just go back to Connecticut, when you guys are done!

Emma: *texts Becky back* We want you back in West Springfield, right now!

Becky: I am so done with her! *shuts off her phone*

Me: *leaves the elevator and goes into Room 213, using the room key*

Becky: *sees bags of Doritos as compliments of the hotel* Cool! *has some*

Me: *has some too*

This story was written on Sunday, September 13th, 2020. (Grandparent's Day)

A/N Becky and I got lost and seperated from everyone else! 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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