Going To The Hebron Harvest Fair On Friday

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Me: I am so excited to go to the Hebron Harvest Fair on Friday!

Ernie: So am I, pal!

Becky: It's gonna be loads of fun, my dudes!

Emma: For sure! Allie can't go, due to bad behavior. I am bringing along Clancy.

Me: Cool! Weather is supposed to be beautiful on Friday!

Becky: When is the Big E? When does it start?

Ernie: September 15th.

Emma: We will be doing a group trip to the Big E on the 21st.

Me: Great!

Emma: 15 bucks for admission, and bring extra for food!

Me: Of course!

Emma: *smiles at me*

This story was written on Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020.

A/N The Hebron Harvest Fair is sure to be loads of fun! Located in Hebron, Connecticut! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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