Benjamin Hates Being Called Sir

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Benjamin: So, you from South Carolina?

NicoleTrent: Yes, sir!

Benjamin: Cool, the Palmetto State.

NicoleTrent: Yes, sir, that is correct!

Benjamin: Please don't call me sir.

NicoleTrent: Why not, sir?

Benjamin: There, you just did it again!

NicoleTrent: Did what again, sir?

Benjamin: You calling me, sir! Stop that!

NicoleTrent: Sir, I am from the South! That's how people talk down there! So, I will keep calling you, sir. Okay, sir?

Benjamin: Fine, whatever.

NicoleTrent: Thank you, sir!

Benjamin: Uh huh.

This story was written on Wednesday, September 30th, 2020.

A/N Benjamin, that's how southern folk talk, okay? Yes, sir! Yes, Ma'am! Deal with it! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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