Stay Together As A Group!

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Durham Fair

Durham, Connecticut

Elizabeth was with her class at the Durham Fair. The fairgrounds were jam packed, to say the least. Her teacher, Mrs. Davis, was instructing all of the students to stay together as a group. Elizabeth, on the other hand, was playing Candy Crush on her phone.

"Are you paying attention, Elizabeth?" asked Mrs. Davis, with her arms folded.

"Yeah, I heard you," said Elizabeth, her eyes still glued to her phone.

"Put your phone away!" demanded Mrs. Davis. "You're only allowed to use your phone, if there is an emergency!"

"Okay, chill!" barked Elizabeth, turning off her phone, and putting it in her jeans pocket.

Everyone went to see the animals. Goat, sheep, pigs, rabbits, ducks, horses, chickens, and llamas. Elizabeth was not with the group. She was by the food stands. She got herself some fried dough, with sauce and cheese, and a Sprite.

She sat down at a bench, and ate her food, all the while, trying to swat away a yellowjacket, coming near her food. As a result, she got stung on her right hand, making her yell in pain.

Elizabeth winced from the sting, and looked for the nearest first aid center. In the meantime, Mrs. Davis was trying to look for Elizabeth. "I simply told her to stay with us!" she said. "She doesn't want to listen to the rules, I am making a phone call to her parents!"

And, that's exactly what she did.

This story was written on Thursday, September 24th, 2020.

A/N Elizabeth is in trouble, now! With that said in mind, her parents may not allow her to go on anymore field trips! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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