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Y/n's pov

"Oh? Satoshi-San! I figured you'd be in here hah.. we did agree to meet up! But I realized we didn't have each other's numbers eh.." I lowered my head playing with a strand of my hair.

"Ah, no worries! Well, I'm here now! Should we stay? Or is it getting late for you..?" I smiled at him, it was nice to see someone familiar, even if I did see Hinata, he wasn't even here to see me?

"We could stay a bit longer if that's alright.." I looked at him for approval, he gave an assuring nod, indicating a yes. 

Unintentionally I grabbed his hand guiding him to my favorite spot of the library. "I only showed one other person this place but I feel like I could share it with you as well hehe." 

"Who's the other?" He laughed. 

I gulped stopping, my mind went to Hinata, feeling a pang in my chest seeing him with Ayumi. "U-Uh, just a friend! We came here the other day!" 

"Oh cool, are they a classmate?" What's with him and the questions, jeez!

"No.." I lied. I didn't want to talk to him about Hinata. 

He just nodded and we continued to head towards the back of the library, this time, I let go of his hand. 

"Okay! We're here! Like the view, Satoshi-San?" I smirked at him. How embarrassing of me..

"It's really cool, who knew you had an eye for such sweet things! You are a sweet girl as well." He smiled. 

I blushed at his words, nobody told me that before, well at least family. "T-thank you.." I returned a smile. Trying to cover my flustered face. 

Hinata's pov

"Ayumi-San.. why did you ask to meet up at the library? Especially on a Saturday." I grumbled slouching into one of the seats next to her. 

"Relax.. we're slowly getting you and Y/n-Chan together!" She clasped her hands winking at me. 

I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose. "The only time I see her is tutoring, remember I can't completely abandon my studies altogether, I also have volleyball on the line, if I fail my tests.." 

"So you'd choose volleyball over Y/n-Chan..?!" She pouted. 

"I-I never said that!! I meant.. how am I supposed to get closer if we only see each other during school.." I shrugged my shoulders hopefully. 

"That's exactly why we're here!" She giggled, still leaving me confused. 

"The library? But why?" Ayumi only shook her head. I could feel she's about to thump my forehead again, I shuddered. 

"Well.. do you know a thing or two about asking a girl to hang out?" She looked at me hopelessly.

"Y-you make it seem like I have no experience! I-I know lots! Um.." I completely flunked out in front of her. "Well. L/n-San is the first girl to make me feel this sort of way, I don't really know what to do or say.." I sighed in defeat. 

"Don't worry Hinata-San! I'll give you some tips! Well on getting closer! Try doing simple things, Not big grand gestures of the sort!" She gave me a thumbs up. "If you're still confused.. try complimenting her, or asking if she needs help, we'll not academically, since she's helping you with that lol." She laughed.

"Hey! I thought you said this was no laughing matter.." I mumbled. 

"Sorry sorry.. what I mean is, try being a sweet guy, you are one already, but be one especially to Y/n." Ayumi gave me a smile. "Just don't be an idiot, and you'll be fine!" 

"Wow, thanks.." I grumbled. 

Satoshi's pov

It's been about 15 minutes of pure silence between us, I guess L/n is really into that book. "Hey, what are you reading L/n-San?" I pulled the book from her hands, trying to spark a conversation.

"Ah well, if you give me it back I could tell you." She giggled.

Cute. I handed her the book back, seeing her face light up, was she always this perfect? I must be dreaming, I wouldn't even imagine myself with her right now. Ah, but we're just friends.

"Hello? Earth to Satoshi?" L/n waved her hand in front of my face repeatedly. 

"Oh! Sorry lost in my book as well!.." we both laughed at my own embarrassment.

"Hey want to come again here sometime?" There goes me running my big confident mouth again.

"We'll definitely need each other's numbers by now then." L/n giggled. Pulling out her phone. "Wanna exchange them now?" She held out her phone giving me a smile. 

"I don't see why not."

Hinata's pov

"Oh come on, Hinata, it won't be hard just repeat after me! 'You look great today!' try not to stutte-"

She paused, not moving one bit, she squinted her eyes as if she was looking at something far away 

"Ayumi-San? What's wrong?"

"Hey Hinata.. how did that Satoshi guy look like again?"

"Uh.. well he's quite tall, brown hair, green eyes.. w-why do you ask?"

Ayumi pointed her fingers towards another spot a few feet away from us. "L-look.." She whispered. 

Oh god, don't tell me. 

I looked towards her direction. 

"Just great.. yeah that's him, oh, and with L/n-San," I mumbled.

Ayumi tapped on my shoulder, giving me a smile. "Hey don't worry I got this!" She whispered giving me a look of pure evil. 

"What are you going to d-"

That's when she got out of her seat.

"Y/N-CHAN!!! FANCY MEETING YOU HERE! OH! YOU BROUGHT A FRIEND?" She basically sprinted towards them.

Oh god, what the hell is going to happen now.

"Ayumi you better be thinking twice before this.." I muttered under my breath, following her, towards the two. 

My dear tutor (3rd year Hinata Shouyou)Where stories live. Discover now