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Y/n's pov

Despite being in an unpleasant mood this morning I'm feeling quite better after taking my mind off it. School crushes tend to be well, basically a crisis for anyone. I guess ignoring it for a while helps.

But it's not like forgetting about it will make it disappear for good. I put my text books back. Staring out the window beside my seat for a moment. Taking a deep breath.

"Hey, (L/n)-San, wanna eat lunch again together?" Satoshi tapped on my shoulder, offering, with a smile that I couldn't say no to. My mind goes to Ayumi, I did skip on her a lot.

But.. I want to sit with Satoshi-San as well, he's nice, and well, a good classmate. At least it's not so awkward between us most of the time. I've had an actual conversation with him, unlike other guys I talk with.

"Uh, just a second." I smiled, pulling out my phone, texting none other, than Ayumi.

Me: Hey Ayumi, I'm gonna eat with a classmate, sorry to bail on you again :(( I'll treat us to lunch next time.

I was about to put my phone back into my sweater pocket, but I got a reply back almost instantly. Which was something normal between the two of us.

Ayumi: No worries! I'm actually quite busy with someone as well. Looking forward to your treat though^^

I instinctively turned around to look for Hinata. A little while back, I've had doubts about the two of them. I don't know why. But I'm certainly not jealous. At least I hope not. Ayumi never talks about him with me. I felt a little uneasy not finding him in his seat. But then again he could be with anyone. I'm not his only friend.

I took my seat next to Satoshi, slowly taking bites of my food. Again, being in an unsatisfied mood. I just stared out the window most of the time today.

"(L/n)-San, I know this isn't any of my business. But you've seemed a little off today since this morning. I hope I didn't do anything?" My eyes met with his, filled with sympathy, how sweet can he be?

I only smiled sadly. "Don't think like that, you could never do anything to get me upset, I'm fine, really."

"Ah well, I know we haven't been friends for that long. Maybe about a week already? But if you ever need to talk with someone I'm here, although I'm not the best at advice, I can listen." He chuckled at the last part.

I felt my face heat up, my heart beating fast at his words. I put my chopsticks down. And looked up to once again meet his eyes.

"Thanks Satoshi-San, you're really nice!" I smiled. Feeling genuinely better. I forgot about all my doubts.

"E-Eh y-you really think so?" He scratched the back of his head. I could notice his cheeks getting pink. I giggled.

"Do you.. by any chance, want hang out after school?" Satoshi brung up the sudden question which made my stomach churn for some reason.

"You want to hang out with me..?" I fiddled with my fingers, something I've done whenever I felt nervous. Typically around guys I like..

I don't like Satoshi-San though?

"Yeah! Why wouldn't I? That'd suck honestly." He put his fingertips to his chin.

I felt my face getting hotter by the minute. Did I always feel like this around him? Definitely not. Maybe it's how he's treating me. His words. The gestures and stuff. But my mind suddenly goes back to Hinata and my face cooled down.

"Ah sorry, but maybe some other time definitely! I usually tutor one of our classmates after school." I felt awful turning him down. But Hinata needs me, and to be honest, I love staying after school with Hinata. I'm just confused over Satoshi. How do I really feel now??

"Oh.. well yeah maybe another time then!" He smiled at me, and returned to finishing his food.

Hinata's pov

"Well I saw reading first on the list of what (L/n)-San likes, and it definitely makes sense. But I hate reading!" I desperately complained to Ayumi-San, as we both agreed to discuss during our lunch period.

She only sighed. "We do need to make sacrifices once in a while Hinata-San, what else is on the list then?" She took a sip from her bottle looking onto my phone.

"Everything else is out of school grounds, but we have tutoring after last period." I sighed in annoyance. How else am I supposed to make her feel better. If I know she's not feeling the best, that'll definitely make me worry.

"Why don't you ask her out then! Like on a date!" Ayumi clasped her hands together. Smiling. But I felt my stomach flutter hearing the words date. I'm an absolute train wreck at those, I can't even say a sentence without stuttering.

"But.." my mind goes back to reading. Sure it sucks but it's for (L/n), but she'd definitely murder me if I used our tutoring time for her sake.

"Fine, I-I'll ask her to hang out. But as friends! Can't have her knowing yet." I tensed up a bit folding my arms.

"That's the point! Just treat her. I'm sure you'll be getting another kiss from her at this rate." Ayumi winked at me.

The tips of my ears flushed red, and my eyes widen. "W-what? I don't know what you're talking about."

"Pfft, (Y/n) doesn't keep everything away from me ha ha..." she awkwardly laughed, getting up from her seat.

"Anyways, good luck! But make sure to put your studies first. We all know (Y/n) is working hard to help, and you should be working just as much to improve too!" Ayumi-San said, with a thumbs up. Giving me a wide grin.

My dear tutor (3rd year Hinata Shouyou)Where stories live. Discover now