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Y/n's pov

Oh my god, he's holding my hand! In his own pocket!

I want to freak out and scream from excitement-

Oh god do I look bad? Is my hand sweaty?! 

"L/n-San are you getting on?" Hinata asked me snapping me from my weird fangirl thoughts. 

Oh, right he offered me a ride home-

"Oh yeah pfft, sorry about that.." I awkwardly laughed. I slowly took my hand away from his. 

"D-do you know where you're going?" I asked. The closeness between us got even bigger, at this point we were only a few centimeters away from each other, the only issue was, his back was facing me. But I'm glad, he won't see how red my face is now.

"Only if you show me the way, I have absolutely no idea where you live." He laughed. I felt even more embarrassed, of course, he wouldn't know. 

"Right, how silly." I laughed at my own embarrassment too. "Well, we're not that far just make sure to keep heading straight, and I'll guide you from there." I smiled, although he couldn't see that haha.

"Alright." I thought this was going to be some smooth ride, just some quiet stroll in the evening.

But nope, that's not what the world wanted.

This boy literally put the pedal to a medal, going too fast for my own eyes to even notice. Before I could fall off and potentially get injured, I did the only thing I could do, wrap my arms around his waist. He didn't say anything and continued to ride at this insane speed. I didn't feel awkward or weird, I felt warmer and closer to him. It's like an indirect hug? I don't really know what to call it..

But I didn't want to let go, that's for sure. 

"Is this the right way? L/n-San?" He didn't turn his head so he can stay on the ground, so he shouted that. The cool wind blew my h/l hair. "Y-yes! Just take a right and we're there!" This ride felt short. 

"Okayyy, and we're here!" He exclaimed happily. I got off the same as Hinata so I lost my balance by a bit, but I managed to keep my composure. 

"I guess this is bye now..?" He smiled. 

"Yes, and, thank you Hinata-Kun!" I got a bit closer and stood on the tips of my toes, and gave him a small peck on the cheek. "That's for taking me home." I giggled. 

He froze. He didn't say anything either. 

Oh god did I ruined the moment? 


"Can we do this again!?" He grabbed my hands. 

"W-what?" I was flustered, I felt my heart beating fast, at this point, it would've even come out my own mouth. 

"I-I mean, can we hang out like this again..? Just the two of us?" He smiled. That warm familiar smile from when we first met. 

I sighed from relief and held his hands as well. "Yeah, of course." I smiled. The excitement and adrenaline pumping through my blood. 

"I think it's getting late, so you should head home as well, make sure to do your homework!" I teased him a bit, I was glad, whatever unnecessary obstacle between finally disappeared. 

He made the most adorable pout. "Obviously, I remembered that." 

"Oh wait!" He stopped me again. "Do you want to, y'know exchange numbers? Just in case if I ever need help with stuff?" 

"O-oh um, yeah, I never thought of that! Here.." I took my phone out of my pocket and he gave me his, and we exchanged numbers. 

"See you Monday?" He got on his bike again. I nodded, I waved goodbye as he rode off. I opened my front door. Being greeted by the warm air. Just as I took off my shoes I got a notification from my phone. 

"Oh, it must be Ayumi.." I mumbled, taking my phone out of my pocket again. 

Satoshi 👻: Hey! If you're wondering this is Satoshi lol, this is sudden but, I had fun today, even if it was for a little bit. 

Oh, Satoshi-San..? 

How do I respond, in all honestly, I spent the time reading-

But if he was happy, then that's good! 

You: Hello Satoshi-San, so glad you had a great time! :) 

I exhaled and put my phone back in my pocket, ending it at that. 

"Y/n? Are you home?" I heard my mother from the living room. 

"Yes!" I didn't go inside to see my mom, instead, I just bolted to my room, out of exhaustion, I plopped right down on my bed, receiving another notification from my phone. 

"Is it Satoshi again..?" I pulled out my phone lazily.

Hinata 🧡: Hey! L/n-San!! I hope you don't think this is some stranger.. that'd be weird! It's me! Hinata! It's great that we have each other's numbers now! 😁

 I smiled, I didn't tell him, but I wanted to exchange numbers as well, not only for the sake of tutoring. I'm grateful that we're friends now, maybe, just maybe, he likes me back, he did want to tell me something.

You: I don't think you're a stranger, Hinata-Kun, and yep! I'm glad we have our numbers now. Need help with anything?

Hinata 🧡: Actually I just wanted to talk with you, I hope you don't think I'm weird! 

There goes that fluttering feeling in my stomach, I blushed staring at my phone screen. 

You: It's not weird at all :) So, are you home yet?

Oh geez, I sound like a parent, well this is going to be a long evening.

But if it's with Hinata then I don't mind it one bit. 

My dear tutor (3rd year Hinata Shouyou)Where stories live. Discover now