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Y/n's pov

"Mom? I'm home!" I closed the door quietly, not making a sound, since it was already late. I was sure I was going to get scolded. But to my surprise I heard no response.

"Hello? Mom?" I went inside the kitchen to find a note on the fridge. 

"Going out with some friends, Sunday nights, you know the drill, make sure to eat something before you head to bed. You have school tomorrow morning, I'll be back before you know it. Love you!"

I sighed crumbling the sticky note and aiming for the trash can in the corner. It was normal for my mom to head out on Sunday nights, now that she doesn't see my dad anymore. I hope she's alright though, the storm was a bit crazy. 

"Well, at least I don't have to explain why I came home late." I shrugged. Felt weird talking to myself. Opening the fridge, I took out the leftover curry from last night's dinner and put it in the microwave, since I couldn't be bothered to cook. 

"Hmm? Someone called?" I felt my phone vibrate from my back pocket. It was Ayumi. I picked up the phone. 



"Yes, Ayumi? I feel like you usually call later than this, is something up?" I giggled. 

"Oh come on, I know about your little date today!"

I choked hearing her words. "D-Date?! Who on earth told you that?

"N-No one in particular.. just a hunch! Did you really go outside?" She sounded a bit nervous.

I was growing a bit suspicious, I didn't even tell Ayumi-Chan that I went out today.

"Yes, I did, Hinata-Kun needed homework help." 

Did Hinata tell her? There's really no one else who would know unless, someone was actually watching us. Do they have each other's numbers or something?  Whatever it is, I'm just looking too far into this. I could trust Ayumi. I know I can. 

"Oh I see, the lovebirds back at it again! Are you guys finally dating?"

Again, I choked hearing her words. "A-Ayumi, don't you think it's a little too soon?"

"It's never too early Y/n-Chan! Haven't you heard about love at first sight?"

"I-I mean.. too early for Hinata-Kun! I kind of.. kissed him twice.."

"WHAT-.. two kisses but still no dating, you're so confusing Y/n-Chan."

"T-that's what you're being worked up about? I just feel like maybe I overdid something, so I decided to put my full effort into helping him until his exams!" 

I sighed, sure it sucked, but I know it was for the best, I know how important playing volleyball is for Hinata, so it's worth making a sacrifice of locking away my feelings for now..

"Eh.. so you're not going to ask him out, or even confess?" I can practically see Ayumi-Chan's pout. 

I only smiled remembering a certain sentence. 

"I'll keep these feelings locked away, that is until a certain 3 weeks are over. He'll just have to wait as well.." I felt butterflies in my stomach, was I really going to confess? Tell him I've liked him since first year?

" 'As well' ? Y/n-Chan you're pretty cool, but you're also full of surprises. Do you have any hidden powers you're hiding from me?!" 

"Haha, we'll see Ayumi-Chan, see you in school tomorrow, yeah? Take care!" 

With that, I ended the conversation hanging up the phone, there was way too much on my mind at the moment so I just decided to go to bed, not touching my food. 


Just focus on his studies, Hinata's exams come first, relationships come after. 

Guess this will be the only sentence I'll be repeating over and over for a while...

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