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Hinata's pov 

"Hmm, I don't think you should let that get to you, (Y/n.) I put my hand up to my chin. "It's just a silly dream y'know!" I smiled, hoping she'd feel better. I sat there while she explained a dream she had not too long ago. I couldn't help but feel awful. If (Y/n) isn't feeling her best, how am I supposed to keep quiet about it?

"Maybe I'm just being indecisive." She laughed. I blushed at her giggles. They always seemed to put me in a happy mood. No matter how bad things just were. Hearing something like that can make me immediately forget about anything that's just happened before it. 

"Indecisive?" I tilted my head, most of the time, (Y/n) is clearly the smarter one here. 

"Ah well, it's sort of like, having a hard time making a decision. To be more clear, I'm not sure if I want our relationship to be kept a secret, just because of a silly dream like you just mentioned." She sighed. 

"You're not stressed are you?" I gently touched the corner of her left eye with my thumb. Maybe it wasn't until now that I noticed (Y/n)'s eyes were slightly red. "You're sleeping properly right?" 

I saw her smile right after. She placed her hand over my wrist holding onto it. "I'm fine! There are other things I need to put my mind on anyway. Like your tutoring. And... my own studies as well, I guess." (Y/n) laughed. "How's volleyball keeping up so far?" She leaned on my shoulder, making me tense up. I don't remember the last time a girl's ever done that with me. I would've melted to a pool on the spot. But, we're dating now. I really have nothing to feel awkward over.

"It's going great! I'm still practicing on receives. Hah, it's funny, I really used to suck at those during first year." 

"You should show me sometime, Shouyou." I instantly blushed at her response. Out of excitement to be honest. I would actually love to show (Y/n). 

"Why don't I show you now?" I held onto her hand and pulled her up along with me. 

"If you insist, I'd be wary though, I have no idea on how to play." (Y/n) giggled. 

"Oh don't worry (Y/n) you'll be fine." I took her to an empty part of the park. "This really isn't the proper place for this because of all this grass but it'll do." I grinned looking back at my girlfriend.

She rolled her eyes playfully "I obviously know that."  

"Well, let's see how good you do then!" I tossed the ball, although I think it was a bit to high...

Yep, it was too strong. Too strong in fact, it didn't even go towards (Y/n) and missed her completely. I blushed from embarrassment. I was trying to act cool too. Aw man—

"I'll get it." She smiled and went after the ball. As soon as I saw her figure disappear, I let out a huge gasp of stress I've been holding onto. After (Y/n) asked about our relationship, with some sort of mention of her family, I felt a pit at the bottom of my stomach.

It's been a week since we started this whole boyfriend, girlfriend thing. Don't get me wrong, as much as I'm enjoying this. I'm a bit worried. Who's to say that she isn't either? Maybe keeping it a secret is best? With (Y/n)'s father like she explained. I don't want to worry her, and even worse get her in trouble. But keeping it a secret is also hard to do. And we can't hide it forever.

"Hey, it's getting kind of late you think we should leave? Shouyou?" (Y/n) returned with the ball in her hands. Speaking of the time, I glanced up at the sky. It was orange, with a hint of red and yellow. Guess it was getting late. 

"Yeah. Want me to walk you home?" I offered. 

She chuckled, clutching onto the ball more tightly. "I don't see why not. I'm sure you know the way at this rate too." 

The walk was more quiet than usual. The only difference was that we held hands. Nothing new. You'd probably think a quiet walk back home would be boring. But something felt different. Maybe it's because I'm with (Y/n). 

By the time we reached (Y/n)'s neighborhood it was dark. It was only 7pm, but winter was already so close, so I was prepared for the short days ahead.

She let go of my hand. "I guess this is goodnight haha. Don't forget to call when you head back too, Kay?" 

I scoffed, in a playful manner. "I'd never forget to in the first place." 

The girl chuckled. "Of course." She stood up on her toes leaning in for a quick kiss. I complied, leaning in as well. 

But before our lips could seal together. We heard the front door opened. With me immediately being shoved aside so I wasn't visible to whoever was there. 

"(Y/n)? It's late what are you doing out here?" The voice sounded like an adult. Definitely someone who's way older than the two of us. 

"O-Oh, dad? I didn't know you'd be home this weekend!..." She sounded so causal.

But I could feel the fear, mostly in me though. I felt the sweat dripping down the back of my neck. 

"Someone there behind you?" The man laughed. "You look a bit troubled." 

"Dad, where are your glasses? You must be seeing things haha." (Y/n) laughed, not the genuine one I was used to hearing. She motioned her hand, signaling me to walk in the other direction. So I did just that. 

I hope things don't end up being like this every time. 

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