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(Y/n)'s pov

It was getting darker, surely even more chilly, the deeper parts of winter slowly reaching us. 

It's only been a day since I and Shouyou started dating, come to think of it, I didn't even think of the possible problems that could happen now. Well, we established that I wouldn't end up being a distraction so there's some major relief. But, I don't know how to feel with people knowing that we're dating. 

Don't get me wrong. This is absolutely a dream come true. But, how would others feel about it? My mom, my dad? Oh boy, there's a problem alright. My mother is pretty laid back. She's the one who gave me advice on dealing with Shouyou after all. However, I barely speak with my dad, and whenever he's actually home, he's very strict. Pretty sure he won't accept mine and Shouyou's relationship. 

I haven't even told Ayumi yet either. Wonder how Shouyou feels over this too... Hah, I'm still not used to calling him by his first name. Though I'm sure he feels that way too, we are both new at this. 

This is all moving so fast before I lose myself from overthinking I decided to call the #1 person who's great at dealing with this stuff. 

"Hello?" The voice from the other side sounded very groggy, sort of like they just woke up. 

"Ayumi..? Sorry if I woke you up.," I whispered. 

"Oh! Y/nnn?? I missed you!!" Her lively voice soon filled my eardrums. Making me laugh a bit.

"Hah.. alright, me too, but I'm trying not to make any noise.." 

"Huh? So why'd you call at this time? This is like... the first time you've done that!" 

"Oh yeah uh, can we talk about something? Well, it would work best in person.." I mumbled the last bit. But Ayumi suddenly hung up the phone. 

"Maybe she fell asleep or something," I muttered, pouting. I turned off my phone and decided to try to go back to sleep. 

It was a solid 8 minutes before I heard knocking against my bedroom window. I jolted out of my sheets and slowly opened the curtains. There she was.



I quickly opened my window dragging her inside. "A-Ayumi what were you thinking??" 

"Pfft.. well duh, you said it would be best in person." She grinned. 

"The lengths you go through Ayumi, I swear.." I fell back onto my mattress while she sat at the end of the bed.

"So, what's wrong?" Hearing the concern in Ayumi's voice made me sit up.

I took a deep breath. "Okay so, don't freak out, or, maybe you were expecting this happen. Well, Hinata and I started y'know..  going out? Well, it happened yesterday s-so don't look too much i-into it or anything but--" 

"Finally!! I've been waiting for this day you dummy!!" She tackled me, giving me a bear hug. "I know you said it just happened yesterday hehe.. but why didn't you tell me sooner??" She whined. I couldn't help but smile. 

"A-Ayumi.." I laughed. But my smile was soon a sad one. "I didn't finish the rest." 

"Oh!! Right please go on!!" 

There, I went on, babbled, my stress, my current high school love crisis, everything to Ayumi. 

But in the end, there was no pitty or no sorrow. 

She simply told me one thing. Well, a few pieces of advice to be more clear. 

"Hmm.. well, (Y/n)-Chan, if you really love Hinata then that shouldn't matter, right?" 

"and if your dad doesn't accept it then, you just have to try!" 

"But how should I do that?" 

"Oh! You should invite Hinata over one day so he can meet your parents!" 

I sat in awe for a moment.

"That doesn't sound so bad actually." 

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