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Y/n's pov 


"I can't sleep.." I sigh and I sat up on my bed. "I guess this whole crush thing is really taking a toll on me huh.. can't even get a proper rest." I chuckled to myself grabbing my phone to check the time. 


"Woah that's late.." my eyes squinted from the brightness of my screen, "if I don't sleep now I'll be too tired in school.." Then I tried going back to bed. Settling under my covers, twisting and turning, at this point I'd feel like my mattress could break. Can't this stupid thought go away?! I'm always overthinking something, Hinata said he didn't mind that kiss.. well both of them.. 

"Does he like me back...?" I shook my head. No, he needs to study for his exams, I'm not ruining that. I sigh getting off my bed. Maybe a glass of water could help me calm down. I quietly headed downstairs trying not to wake up my mother. But as soon as I entered the kitchen she was already sitting at the table, with her own glass. 

"Can't sleep?" She asked, almost with a chuckle. Passing me an empty cup.

I nodded, taking the cup. "Hey mom, I'm kind of having a delimna..? I don't know how to put it." I sighed turning on the sink. "I-it's sort of embarrassing.." I blushed taking a sip. 

"Well what is it, I'm sure I could give some advice sweetie."

"E-Eh well.. It's about a boy I tutor.." I set down my glass on the counter, taking a seat in front of my mother. 

"I see.." she nods, waiting for me to continue.

"I-I sort of like him..? Well I have since 1st year." I started to laugh. "I feel like he likes me back, but if we start going further with this, it could cost him a lot with his studying for his upcoming exams." I fiddled with my fingers. "Y-You see.. he plays volleyball, so if he fails, he won't be able to play in his upcoming match." 

"Y/n, I know you're mature, so you can handle this. Maybe you should wait till his exams are over. I'm sure it's best for both of you." She placed her hand on mine and gave me a smile. "Besides, my daughter is the best, who wouldn't wait for you?" My mom smirked making me laugh. 

In the end my mom was right, it was surely the best option, for both Hinata and me. I just need to put these thoughts aside, for now. 

With that I went to bed. Hoping for a decent day at school once I wake up. But not everything is ever perfect.

So what exactly happened  you ask? 


I yawned stretching my relaxed muscles from sleeping. Checking the time, my eyes widen, sort of looked like I just murdered someone. 


I'm late for school. 

My phone practically had it's own earthquake with all the notifications. I quickly went through the messages only to find out they were mostly from Ayumi and Hinata, and a couple from Satoshi-San as well.

Ayumi: Y/NN WHERE ARE YOU?? you aren't picking up the phone, I'm outside your house!! Let's walk together!! (7:30am) 

are you in school already?? (7:37am) 

I feel like you are.. Mrs. Top student! Well then I'll see you there. (7:40am)

Satoshi: Good morning, L/n-San, I may sound like I'm not minding my own business, but you haven't shown up yet? Is everything okay? (8:00am) 

Hinata: L/n-San!! I didn't see you walking!! Are you staying home today? (7:50am)

Hope I didn't do anything yesterday. 

I'm looking forward to our next tutoring session! 

I quickly tossed my phone onto my bed and, washed my face. Finding my uniform. I didn't have enough time to properly tie my hair so I figured to let it loose for today. 

"I wonder why mom didn't wake me up..." I muttered to myself heading out the door. 

I practically ran like I was in the olympics or something, obviously people stared at me. But I only had about 10 minutes to get to school since class starts at 8:40, no time to worry about people now. 

I've always had a tendency to be on time, especially with my grades, attendance is also important. After what felt like years, I made it to the school entrance, with only 5 minutes to spare. The sound of volleyballs hitting the hollow gym walls ringed in my ears, I was next to the gym as well. I was confused as to why people practiced at this time? I thought practice was canceled for the volleyball team as well. 

As I was about to walk into school, I heard someone shout from behind me. 


I turned around to find Hinata waving his hands at me. I didn't know what was going on so I waved back thinking he was saying hi. 

But he only shook his head. I raised a brow, but that's when it hit me.


"Ow.." I fell to the ground as the ball rolled away. Touching my face, I felt something drip down my nose. "A nose bleed..? Here of all times?!" 

I sighed not bothering to get up, I was already late for class at this point. My eyebrows were furrowed, I picked up the volleyball, and and stared at Hinata a few feet away from me. He had an apologetic smile, more of sympathy. I could see him mouthing the word sorry, but I was too angry to deal with anyone, I'm late for school, got hit the face with a ball, now I have a nose bleed. Could the day get any worse? 

My dear tutor (3rd year Hinata Shouyou)Where stories live. Discover now