I've begun to realize

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Alastor gave the blonde a smirk. "Of course not. I can hold you whenever I please." It was true; he and Charlie loved each other to the point of insanity. He thought he was mad before, but this was enough to drive him past the breaking point.

There was something he had never understood before that Charlie had taught him. Chances, one after another. Forgiveness. All the princess ever did was forgive her people, forgive him. She didn't give a shit about what one did in the past. She loved no matter the consequences.

Alastor knew he had changed, and he was fine with it. Hell, one could dare say he was happy about it. As long as he could end the violence within him. As long as Charlie loved him.

"Wait...is that..?" Charlie's voice cut through his thoughts as she tilted her head to look behind him. Following her gaze, he noticed a familiar limousine pull up haphazardly. Alastor felt Charlie loosen her grip around him as two demons stepped out of the vehicle.

"VAGGIE!" Charlie screamed and ran to her friend, almost toppling her. Vaggie smiled and hugged her back. Angel Dust, now standing beside Alastor, chuckled. "Looks like y'all got into some deep shit. What's up with the stitches?" Alastor gave him an annoyed grin. He hated looking up at demons. It made him feel disrespected.

Angel cleared his throat. "Look, we really were worried 'bout y'all. Runnin' like that...it ain't normal. 'Specially not for Charlie." "We needed a change in scenery. Your grey-haired friend was more than capable of dealing with you." Alastor looked back over to the girls.

Charlie was explaining the events of the day, Vaggie was reacting with loud "WHAT?!"s and "OH MY GOD"s. The princess seemed to be having trouble talking about the part where Alastor had been possessed, tears flowed down her pale cheeks. Alastor slowly walked to her.

"Charlie, I do believe it is time to go. We can catch them up when you've had some rest." Alastor lovingly wrapped his arms around Charlie. "I'll tell them the difficult parts, dear." Charlie gave him a warm smile. Yawning, she led the way to the limousine.

Vaggie continued to ask questions, pertaining mostly to Charlie's safety. "Vaggie, I'm fine. Really." "Yeah, tell that to the stitches in your neck." Alastor was sitting beside the princess, her head leaning on his chest. 

She was so small, and warm...she was perfect. 

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