I'm mending inside and we both know why

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Immense pain. Sounds and flashing colors. 

Charlie was surrounded by stimuli, urging and pleading her for something. Long spindly shadows creeped up to her, only to vanish as the next approached.

She stood motionless as the vision intensified. She felt like she was drowning, but she was breathing fine. What was this?

"H-hello?" The shadows stopped in their tracks and moved out to form a circle around her. "Who are you? Why am I here?" Each breath was agony, speaking only made it worse. The white room shifted around her, she felt dizzy from looking.

Charlie took a step forward. The shadows stayed silent, but they backed away as if she frightened them. "I-I don't want to hurt you, please tell me what's going on..." She spun around to find a smaller shadow standing behind her.

Large white eyes glowed softly, illuminating the creatures inky black skin. It said nothing as it held up a hand for Charlie to take.

"Where are you taking me?" No response. The shadow gripped her finger like a child and led her through the ring of like beings. Charlie noticed the other shadows had opened their eyes as well, each a different shade of a color.

So this is where they are made, she thought to herself internally. They don't seem so harmful here...I wonder what makes them so evil...

The ring of shadows opened to reveal a small but elegant doorway, decorated with carvings and pillars. "Is this...is this Heaven?" Charlie asked. She received a head shake.

"No." The voice was blunt and feminine with an unnatural echo, and it did little to ease her confusion. "So...where am I?" "It doesn't matter. You're going back anyway." The shadow led Charlie on, pulling her towards the unfamiliar door.

"Wait, what are you? What are they? Where the Hell am I?!" Charlie demanded. She was too frightened and traumatized to give a flying fuck as to where she needed to go next. This place was important, she could feel it.

The being turned slowly. "If I tell you, will you shut up and follow?" Charlie nodded. "I am Healing. These are my brothers and sisters, each represent an idea in the living world." Healing gestured to the other embodiments with a wave of a hand. "This is the place mortal souls go when they haven't left their world. When they are dead but refuse to accept it."

"You, however, are still needed in Hell. Your friends, your lover, your people. They all need you, now more than ever. I made an arrangement to send you back as quickly as possible." Healing once again took Charlie's hand and led her to the door.

"I need to tell you a couple of things. Firstly, when you wake up, you will be in extreme pain and will not be able to speak or move voluntarily. Second, you will now be able to access your wings without them tearing through your flesh. And last but not least," The shadow continued as it fumbled with a padlock. "Never forget how important you are to your loved ones."

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