I knew I could be whole if you were mine

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(GAAAAAH I know, I'm not really updating that much. I promise to be more on top of it, this will be completed! I'm just SO busy with school, and moving, and making a teaser for the show...that should be done soon, by the way. Alright, onto the story! I ain't dead yet guys.)

Charlie gave the shadow a confused look. "But why can't you just fix it? Aren't you one of them?"

"They are broken beyond repair. The best I can do...the best I can do is help them to this world before they are lost forever." Monster looked to the ground. "If even one soul is left behind...everything will collapse."

The blonde princess, thinking of how she could possibly be of use, frowned. "But...what do I do?"

Monster paused and gathered his thoughts.

"Follow me. I can take you back there so we can help them." The shadow held out a slender hand, but Charlie hesitated in taking it.

"How do I know you won't use me to get Alastor?" 

"You have my word." Monster gave her pleading eyes; she knew he was telling the truth.

Slowly, she allowed the shadow to slip her into the darkness of the night.

She noticed things that she hadn't noticed before; how he bore a striking resemblance to her own father. It might have been a coincidence...but what if it wasn't?

"Once we get to the Rip, we must get everyone out as quickly as possible. I predict we only have minutes before everything is reduced to chaos." Monster kept his eyes forward as he led Charlie through a winding path.

When they arrived, it was obvious the inhabitants had learned of their eventual demise. Screaming shadows ran around, flailing their arms in dramatic terror.

Charlie felt herself stiffen at the souls' fear; it was no different than those of her kingdom during an Extermination. Memories flooded through her but she pushed them down, she needed to stay calm and direct them.

"Everybody! Come through here, guys!" Charlie shouted as loud as she possibly could; a few heads turned to her and came closer. Others saw an opportunity and followed.

Ushering them into the open, she noticed Monster had gone inside to coax more farther away. Millions upon millions of shadow-like creatures walked in single file as they walked into their newest home.

Charlie was thrown to the ground as the world shuddered; as if it was unhappy with its inhabitants leaving.

She heard a cry. Turning, she gasped in horror at Monster beneath the golden door which had fallen, pinning him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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