I'm burning inside and we both know why

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Alastor hung his head as he walked out of the hospital, alerting the other Hazbins who had apparently stayed behind. 

"Woah..." Angel Dust murmured. "What happened to you?" "Bad dream." was all Alastor replied with. 

The spider demon nodded to Vaggie, who also showed her concern. "That bad? Damn..." She waved a taxi down; the driver gave the Radio Demon a skeptical look.

"I ain't lettin' that fucker in," he said stubbornly. "I advise you watch your tongue when it comes to calling me names." Alastor gave him a sinister grin as he climbed into the small vehicle.

Shaking, the driver started the vehicle and drove into the highway back to the hotel.

"So...mind tellin' us what is wrong?" "Yes. Very much, actually." Alastor stared out of the window, the faint words of 'Off Air' blurring his vision. He was thinking; he shouldn't have been, but he was. All that ever came of his thinking was horrible thoughts. It was a proven fact.

Angel Dust made the mistake of flicking his arm. 

Teeth bared, Alastor snarled but quickly retreated. Why...why was this happening? It was one damn dream; it shouldn't have done this...

"S-sorry," Angel meekly apologized. "You ain't usually this quiet..."

Alastor hated silence. He hated being silenced; being interrupted; any kind of disrespect to himself. But ever since he had left that hotel with Charlie he had let the others push him around.

"My apologies as well. I suppose I should...talk." the demon sighed. The other Hazbins perked up slightly as if he were about to tell a fairytale to children. He might as well have been.

"I dreamt that...Charlie had gotten angry with me. I had never been uprooted by lovers yelling at me, usually I was the one to end a relationship." He looked to their confused faces. "But when Charlie yelled...calling me pathetic...and weak..."

Alastor trailed off. The demon went back to looking out the window; looking at his tired reflection mirrored by the glass. He was disheveled and exhausted, overjoyed and miserable all at the same time.

"So you had a nightmare that Charlie got mad at you? How is that so bad?" Angel received a punch to the mouth from the gray demon. "Hijo do perra...Sorry Alastor." "Our effeminate friend has a point. This should not be this bad."

"But it is." Alastor let out a disappointed sigh as the vehicle slowed by the hotel. 

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