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That night, I want to drown myself till I drop. But what's the point of doing it? Later or after, the news won't stop anyway. I look around, this three is quite of a drinker. Its still early yet they've taken down this much already.

"Unnie, you're too quiet. Are you okay?" Seulgi asked leaning closer. 

"Yes I am. Just a little bit tired but I am okay." I answered back.

"Oh. Do you want to go? I can give you a ride. Where do you - - - ." Wheein maybe heard since she's sitting beside me.

"Hongdae, near the -." I stop talking when Irene loudly put her drink down on the table.

"She's coming with us. We'll take her home." Irene said with a stern look across her face while wheein is playfully staring at me.

"You're all drunk. You sure you can drive?" Moonbyul Unnie suddenly ask. We all laugh, but surely tho, I think they can drink more. They're pretty good drinker for a girl themselves.

"We live in the same town Lisa. If change your mind, just tell me so." I flinched when she whisper it close enough to my ears. I looked at Seulgi who scream on the top of lungs.

I didn't notice that she's close to Moonbyul unnie. Am I sensing this right? Our eyes met, I gave her a playful smirk. She looked away immediately. Pinkish tingling is visible in her cheeks.

" I need to take this." I excused when my phone rings.


"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU LISA?" Jennie's serious voice scares me the most.

"Unnie, I'll be home in a minute. Just finishing things up."

"Answer the question Lisa." Now it's Jisoo unnie.

"We're nearby having a drink, but I don't - - - - - ."

"If I smell alcohol later, you'll be a dead meat Lisa." I can't help but smile. They're adorable

"Yes. I'll be there in a minute unnie. Wait for me?" They hang up. Walking back to the group, I think they're sleeping already. Except for Moonbyul unnie and Irene, the drunkards.

"I think we need to go now unnie." Glancing at them. Both of them attended Seulgi. I did the same with Wheein unnie since she doesn't have anyone to look her up.

"Wheein unnie. Hey. Let's go." She didn't move. Her messy hair is now covering her face.

"Unnie." I called her once more, tucking in her hair to check if she's really sleeping.

"Oh. I fall asleep. Sorry." I was startled when she immediately stand up causing us to collide.

"Unnie, careful." Held her tight or she might fall on the ground.

I sighed in relief when we reach their car without any problem or accidents.

"Where's your car unnie?" I asked Irene, since we are with other people, I decided to be casual.

"Not here yet. I'll take you home." she said with finality.

"Yours were far to mine. In case you forgot, your manager won't let me ride with you." I said, making sure that no one heard except her. She frowned.

"What? Are you saying - - -." I scoffed. I'm starting to lose my patience now that I had a little alcohol in my system.

"To be safe, I need to go with them." I walk into the car and settled myself beside the sleeping Wheein. I thought she never get drunk? Look at her now.

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