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I dont regret what I did during the press con. They asked me, and I just want to confirm my relationship status, I even never named someone. And I will never think twice doing what I did again.

Lisa and I haven't been seeing a lot lately, since that day she became busy. She will send me flowers and foods, and I do the same. I even cook for her if I had enough time. Thinking about that they made me happy and proud.


"Lady Irene." I nodded and immediately walk towards my members.

"Unnie, we'll stay here with the managers." I hugged them one by one

"Thank you. I'll see you at the dorm later." I said, while they're giving me smirk.

Despite of the chaos inside, I still manage to get in the car.

"Baby." I flinch and mouth agaped.

"You surprise me. What are you -." She pulled me into a hug, tight hug actually.

"What did you do baby? I told you -." I detach myself from her. To see her face.

"Do you know how much courage did I pull to say it?" I said pulling her face to mine. I love being this close her.

"But - you're. How did -." I stared at her, she's stuttering yet I find her more attractive.

"Aren't we baby?" I don't want to sound seductive but it naturally came out.

"What are you." Looking confuse and shock, I move closer till our nose tip touch.

"What baby?" She closed her eyes, but I playfully move backwards.

"What the hell." She open her eyes, basically rolling her eyes at me. Even turning her head on the other side.

"Stop cursing baby." She blushed, and I can't help but laugh at her.

"Baby." I called her but she ignore me.

"Baby." I am holding my urges to smile because she might get upset even more.

"Baby, I'm sorry." She look at me, intertwining our hands.

With my overwhelming feelings right now and excessive thinking, Ibdidn't notice that we're going to our apartment. She didn't speak, nor say anything but she's still clinging to me.

"Come on baby. I prepared something." Guiding me towards the veranda.

"Did you do all this?" She nodded, looking at me shyly.

"I did but I ask some help." I nodded, even so, she still invested effort preparing this.

"Let's eat baby." I couldn't even take off my eyes on her. I know she wants to ask, yet she doesn't have courage to do it.

"Baby." I look up when she stop eating. She's looking at me seriously, then take out a red envelope I don't even know where.

"Since when?" I take a sip of my wine, watching her reactions in every possible way.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She shakes her head.

"I just received this not long from now. I don't even know if this is true or -."

"What if its true? What will you do?" Its not my intention to show her my wedding ring but her eyes trailed down mine.

"In fact, I would love it baby but -."

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