What happened? (1)

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I shot my left hand out to slap my All Might alarm clock, but odly enough my hand didn't touch anything. I kept slapping the air trying to find my night stand as the 'I am here!' motto was starting to get annoying. I groaned still not being able to find my nightstand. I picked myself up and then slammed my hand down to where my nightstand should be but the only thing I felt was a gush of...air?

I felt my body being pulled down by the force of my slap, and within seconds, my body slammed into the floor.

"Owwwww!" I groaned as I rubbed my head for comfort.

"Fuck that hurt!" I mumbled to myself. I finally opened my eyes only to see that my whole room...got bigger? Or...I got smaller?

I felt my heart pounding. "Okay Deku, calm yourself. Think..." I closed my eyes trying to think of something that may have caused this. Good thing it's a Saturday. Or else I would have been late to school.

"Well, yesterday when I was training I-"

"MIDORIYA! Are you alright? We heard a thud! Plus you also have been in there more then usual." Said a voice from the other side of my door.

"IIDA!" I gasp excitedly as I run to my door. Finally someone who may help

"Hey, I'm coming in okay?" Iida said as I'm already right next to the door. My eyes widened as I try to back up when bam the door swung open hitting me in the face!

I stepped back holding my forehead groaning again. "Damn, today is just not my day..." I mumbled under my breath as I heard a small gasp. I look up and smile sarcastically.

"Good morning." I groaned as Iida stared at me with complete shock in his eyes.

"EVERYONE! GET OVER HERE!" Iida yelled. I quickly get up and grabbed his pant leg tugging it towards me.

"No! No,no,no,no,no,no!" I whine while tugging harder at his leg but it was too late. Everyone had gathered at my door. Even Bakugo surprisingly.

As everyone stared at me in shock I knew what was wrong. I was indeed a child again. But I didn't want to face the reality. Then one of the girls shouted.

"AWWWW! DEKU IS A KID AGAIN!" She yelled happily. Even after knowing by everyone's reaction's and the one of the girls even shouting it out, it still hurts to know that I was back at my weakest age.

Tears started to well up in my eyes, my lip starting to quiver. Iida looked around for someone to help him but everyone just took two steps back. I burrowed my face in his jeans as I began to wail. All everyone heard were my sobs until I was picked up by none other than...Todoroki?! He wiped my tears and hugged me.

"Hey, calm down. We'll go to Mr. Aizawa and Recovery girl to see what's wrong okay?" He talked to me so calmly and sweetly I just nodded my head and rubbed my eyes.

"Okay then, to attract less attention, me, Todoroki and-" Iida abruptly got cut off by a rasy loud voice.

"ME!" Bakugo raised his hand as he made his way towards me. Reflexively I flinched and hid in Shoto's chest. He 'tsked' and picked me up from Todoroki.

"I grew up with him so I know how to take better care of him." He explained as he examined me. "No, I'd rather walk plu! I'm still mentally 15!" I yelled not liking being carried by either Shoto or Kacchan.

I wiggled and jumped down from his grip and began walking towards Mr. Aizawa's office.

As I walked I could here giggles and murmurs behind me making me frustrated. I crossed my arms and walked faster. I sighed hoping we could fix this soon when I was lifted into the air and put ontop of someone's shoulders. It was Todoroki!? Again!?

"Hey, Todoroki, I can still walk you know?" I told him softly slapping the top of head. He looked up at me softly and giggled.

"I know, it's just quicker this way." He smiled and then looked back straight ahead. I blushed softly and muttered an 'Okay...' Iida and Bakugo ran to catch up walking side by side with me and Shoto walking in the middle.

Soon we reached Mr. Aizawa's office and Iida knocked on the door.

"What is it?"We heard a groggily voice at the other side and the sound of blankets shuffling.

"Um...sir, we have a problem with Midoriya!" Said Iida with his chopping hand movements.

"What did the problem child do this time?" He asked. We heard his voice get closer meaning he was gonna open the door, and as expected he opened the door and scanned the area for me until he locked eyes with me.

We stared at each other for about a minute until he reached up and grabbed me from Shoto's shoulder's. I was stunned by the sudden movement. Todoroki instinctively reached for me but Mr. Aizawa's hair shot up showing his red ruby eyes. Todoroki put his hands down and looked at the floor embracingly.

"Alright, thanks for this. I'll go to the other teachers to talk about this. You guys go back to your dorms." Aizawa put me on his shoulders and walked away from my classmates.

I folded over so that my forehead touched Mr. Aizawa's, our eyes connecting as I did so.

"So...what now?" I asked innocently.

"Well we gotta see Recovery girl and the other pros. After that, you will tell us exactly every thing you did yesterday." He explained patting my back which made me sit straight up.

"Okay, I understand." I nodded and rested my chin on his head.

I sighed as we walked. I dug my face intobhis hair which was surprisingly soft and smelled really good. Before I knew it, we were at the main campus. On the way there we met present mic.

"YO! WHAT UP SHOTA!?" He asked happily before seeing me on his shoulders. His smile soon disappeared.

"Is-is that...Izuku Midoriya?" He asked tilting his head as he patted my head. I nodded yes and smiled sweetly.

"Yeah, were gonna go to recovery girl and then go to the other pros." Aizawa explained.

"Nice, let me tag!" He smiled and walked along side me and Aizawa.

Hey guys, this is not my idea I adopted this story from GHOST529. But the original author of this story is OllyDactle.Hope you will follow me along with this story and maybe check out my other story's! Have a good day/night!🥰💜

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