5 months later (9)

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Shigaraki's P.O.V.

It's now January. It's been 5 months since we have taken Freckles and he is no longer a chess piece but someone who I love dearly. Its almost astonishing to say the least, at how much I have changed. Freckles is now 6 years old and has manifested his already existing quirk.

We have taught him how to use his quirk effectively, not to overuse his quirk, and even how to strategize better. We taught him how corrupt the government and hero society is. He agrees but I can tell, hes not completely on board. He's still young, as smart as he is he is still young so once he's older again, he will understand better. Well, that's what I hope...

"I should stop dwelling on that, right now I wanna see Freckles." I mumbled to no one but myself and got up from my desk.

Since he was now older, we decided it was best for him to have his own room now. But for safety, it's right next to mine and Kurogiri's room if anything were to happen.

I knocked on his door but it had pushed open with the force of my knuckle. I felt my heart drop to my stomach. Where was he. With my heart beating so fast in my chest I took my phone out my back pocket and checked the time. Ten minutes past one. Hes with Twice and Compress!

"Oh...Holy shit..." I let out a sigh of relief as I leaned against the door frame. If heroes actually took him back...I'd have no idea wht I would do...

I felt tears start to well up in my eyes but I wiped them away.

"No! NO! Focus. Let's just check up on him. Okay, you got this." I encouraged myself and went to our small training space outside.

I saw Compress with one of his small blue beads in between his fingers then made them disappear. Freckles seemed to like that a lot. Twice was also there but so was...Dabi?


Wait, that could be one of Jin's clone.

Wait,why should I worry? I'm Freckles favorite anyway. Yeah that's right, he loves me more.

I walked towards them. But they had probably noticed me before. I bent down a little to pet Freckles making him turn around happily.

"Hi Shiggy! Jin and Compress were showing me some cool tricks! And Jin said I could try sparring with the Dabi double!" He giggled jumping around a bit. I smiled.

"Okay then go ahead. I'll watch." I backed up to give Freckles some room, that was also a sign for the other two to back up.

"Remember Zuzu, just hit him hard enough and he goes away okay."

Great, even Jin was was calling him 'Zuzu'. 

"Alright now...BEGIN!" Freckles looked back at me for reassurance. I nodded with a smile. He smiled back and faced his opponent.

Since he lived with us we have all gone over different types of fighting styles with him and whatnot but he has never gon against someone in a real match, that's what scared me. But, all three of us are here so nothing should happen right?


I was called out of my zone by his dreadful scream. Freckles was on the floor and the clone looming over him with fire in his right hand. It looked as if it was all happening in slow motion. I saw the other two react just as fast as I did but they seemed to be in slow motion as well.

I lunged towards Freckles shielding him with my body wrapping him with my left arm as the other grabbed a hold onto the clone.

It burned but I didn't care. I was pissed. My read eyes gleamed with anger as I slowly saw the clone decay into nothing but dust.

"BOSS! Are you okay?" The two asked frantically. I ignored them moving aside to where I could see Freckles.

"Are you hurt? Are you okay? What happened?" I asked in my regular soft tone I always used with Freckles. He didn't say anything. He just leaped into my arms and clutched onto me, not wanting to let go.

"Okay, okay, it's okay. I'm here now Freckles." I sighed in relief as I rubbed his back for comfort. I slowly got up with Freckles still in my arms and walked inside. That was enough practice for today.

We went to my room and laid on the bed. He was still on my chest grabbing so tightly on my shirt still not wanting to let go. I rubbed his back softly.

"Maybe he's tired and just needs a nap." I thought. I closed my eyes still rubbing his back softly.

I'm gonna kill those two...

As I slowly opened my eyes I couldn't feel the small weight on my chest. I looked down to seem no one on my chest or even on the bed with me. I shot my eyes open and scanned the room so see if he started playing with something else but no, my room was a mess.

More that it already was. It looked like some type of struggle.


I ran out my room to see if anyone was there.

No one.

Pitch black.

I ran towards the living room but then I saw a little light. The light came from the play room.

"What in the forty flavors of fuck..."

"Whatever." I mumbled and ran to the room.

I saw every one there but didn't see Freckles.

"HEY! Where's Freckles!? I asked scared of receiving an answer I don't want. My hands trembled at the thought.

"What do you mean? I'm right here Shiggy!" I heard a familiar giggle, from behind Kurogiri came out a small green haired boy with adorable freckles and all black clothes complemented with ruby red shoes.

Just like me. Not only that, he had a smaller version of my villain suit. I smiled happily and kneeled down hugging him tightly.

"Yes yes, you're right here."

I could feel the stares of the others but I didn't care. I was just he was safe. After a few minutes of hugging I pulled away.

"So, whose idea was it?" I asked still staring at Freckles with adoring eyes.

"Izuku's idea. But the staging part was all us." Jin explained.

I sighed a heavy sigh and let myself fall to the floor in relief. Freckles seemed to get worried and looked like he was about to cry.

"Its okay Freckles. I'm just glad that your okay..."

God damnit he scared the shit out of me.

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