Helpless child (4)

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September 10th. That's when my personal hell began. First I was with an aging quirk that made me turn into my 5 year old self, my weakest self. Then not only did I get turned into a Chile I was kidnapped by the League of Villains. My day has great so far. Haha. For now, I think I'll try to keep a mental note on how many days I've been here.

A few days later

Now, I'm pretty sure it's been a couple days by now. They haven't tried anything yet, they just have me stapped to a chair and that's about it. They hardly talk to me and the times they do interact with me, is only when they feed me. Which I thought was totally weird. As I stare off into space by looking at the wall I was face with for the whole time I left some pain in my thigh. I groan softly to not alert anyone. Wait! What's happening? I look down to see my left thigh throbbing.

"God damn, this reminds me of a growth spurt." I mumbled then it hit me. Since it's been a couple days my body must he growing back to its original size since the effects of the quirk must be wearing off.

YES! I smirk happy knowing my body may return to me in a couple of days, a few hours even! But my minnie celebration was cut short by me screaming in agony.  My other leg was growing. Once the pain subsided a was of realization hit me. I just screamed. Loud.

As I whipped my head around trying to see if anyone was coming. Though I knew the  chances of no one hearing my scream was small. Within seconds I heard heavy but swift footsteps. Mr. Aizawa? I smiled as I let my head drop in relief.  Finally someone I know!

"MR. AIZAWA! Oh thank god you're here! I think  the quirk is starting to wear off. Come on, please help me!" I wiggled aggressively in the chair to make a point but instead I mad it fall back.

But...why wasn't Aizawa helping me? I hear a devilish laughter slowly coming towards me. My blood runs cold.

I shut my eyes not wanting to face the horror in front of me.

"Well now, why dont you be a good boy and stay still while I go tell the boss about our current situation~" I felt shivers down my spine. I slowly open my eyes to see Mr. Compress pulling me up.

"It seems like your starting to hallucinate by spending all this time alone. Poor you. Well now that your situated I'll take my leave now." He smirked at me and just like that, he left me all alone again.

As his footsteps got softer and softer tears started to well up in my eyes. God damnit. The tears soon started to overflow and slowly came down cheek then hit the floor. I sobbed softly hating that fact that I was alone once again and will always be alone. No one's gonna save. No one...

Aizawa's P.O.V.
I was in my office thinking of what our next step should be. Honestly we've been a wreck. With Izuku gone Bakugo and Todoroki have been going at it like cats and dogs, All Might has been seriously depleted of energy, and me... I just keep thinking, how could a villain get past our security and steal him from us like that. Ugh, it makes me stick to my stomach. I almost gag at the thought of what they might be doing to Midoriya. I know he's strong but, just how strong is he?

How much longer can he take? Hes been gone longer than when Bakugo was kidnapped. God, why are my kids always targeted. I shake my head trying to get those thoughts out. I need food. I get up and walk out my dark office. As I get to the common area I hear yelling, explosions, crying, things breaking.

"Oh fuck."

I run towards and all the commotion, I see Bakugo and Todoroki being held back by their friends Kirishima and Denki holding Bakugo back who was setting off minnie explosions from his hands while Todoroki had both his quirks activated being held back by Iida, Tokoyami, and Shoji. And Sero being the VIP by using his tape to hold each of them back.

But what was most notable. The both of them...were crying. They had tears running down their cheeks but not only them, all of class seemed to be pretty depressed. Fuck...why hadn't I noticed this sooner. I activated my quirk making everyone aware of my presence. The two trouble makes whipped their heads to face me. Bakugo fell to the floor as tried to wipe his tears but they just kept coming. I felt my heart sink into my stomach. Shit

With my quirk still activated I walk towards him and pull him into a hug.

"I know. We'll find him soon. Just get some rest for now okay." I said in a soothing voice. I closed my eyes and felt my hair hit my shoulders.

I lifted up my hand and knocked him out. As his body went limp, he fell into my arms. I picked him up and walked to Todoroki and patted his head. He rubbed his eyes trying to stop the tears. He leaned in closer and hit a pressure point making him pass out as well. I quickly dropped on one knee just in time to catch him. I slowly got up with one child on each shoulder. I walk to each of their dorms. First was Todoroki.

I opened his door and laid him down as gently as I could. I softly closed his door and went on my way. Next was Bakugo. I walked down his hall and opened his door. I walked in and shut the door with my foot and took him off my shoulder and put him into a bradil style. Like how you carry babies. Wow, how fitting. I set him down of his bed and lay him in a comfortable position. I sigh and then leave the child's room.

I walk to the commen area where the rest of my kids were and sit them down.

"Look. I know it's been hard to not have Midoriya around but we have to keep it together. We will save him. I promise you that." I smile at my kids and they each softly sime back. I sigh happily and walk to the kitchen looking for something to eat.

Hopefully what I just said wasn't a lie. No. It won't be.

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