What do I do? (18)

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Midoriya's P.O.V.

It's been a couple hours now since Kacchan came to visit. I was actually kinda glad but I could tell something was still bothering him.

"Um...Kacchan, what's wrong? I can tell you wanna ask me something." I asked rubbing my neck like I usually did when I was nervous.

"Well, I was wondering...did you cut to forget what happened at the at the league or, was it something else?" He asked looking deep in my eyes as if...as if he was looking for something.

I looked away, once again the burning sensation returned to my eyes, I felt my heart pounding. I clenched my and tilted my head back hoping my tears wouldn't come out. They didn't. I took a deep breath and faced Kacchan.

"Haha...I um, I think it was both..." I chuckled awkwardly. I felt Kacchan pull away from me. He got off the bed with clenched fists and his jaw clearly was clenched.


"Okay I understand forgetting but forgiving?"


"Forgiving who!? You!? Or them?!"


"Who Deku?! WHO?"


"Why Deku? You should hate them for what they did! What in your right mind makes you wantto give them?"


At this point tears were coming down my cheeks like a fucking waterfall. Honestly I was crying so heart it was starting to get hard to breath and my head pounding. I fall to my knees grabbing my head hoping this would sooth the pain.

I kept sobbing on the floor as memories with the league replayed in my head like a movie. Their funny nicknames. Their warth. Their love. All these feelings were resurfacing and hitting me in waves.

"AAAAHHHHH!!!" I yelled in pain. Both psychically and mentally. I threw my head back still hugging my head, I felt as if my eyes rolled back but that didn't seem to stop the waves of feelings. Suddenly I felt a light sting on my shoulder. The pain was starting to go away but...so was my consciousness.

With my blurry vision I looked around the room to find him. Finally I saw him. He had tears running down his cheeks with his hands reaching out towards me. Ah, he never has seen this side of me has he? Well, this must be a shocker.

I slowly opened my eyes but they felt heavy. They must be puffy and sore after all my cry fest. I felt something...well more like someone. I turned to the left to see Bakugo sleeping on a chair. I look right past him as see the sun setting. I must have been out for a couple of hours. I Katsuki's body was really tired.

I think I made too much noise because Kacchan helped me sit up.

"I thought you were sleeping." I told him in a soft voice as he put my pillows behind so I could have some cushion.

"Well I thought you weren't a dumbass." He was still clearly pissed.

"Yeah, I thought so too." I responded with a care free tone. He gave me a mean glare but I just smiled.

He just shook his head and sight as he sat back in his chair scooting closer.

"Izuku..." I whipped my head towards him with almost a horrified look. He never called me by my name. Especially my first name.

"I think what your experiencing right now is called stockholm syndrome. The doctors and nurses say that you've been showing lots of the signs. So what your feeling right now isn't a real emotion towards them. That's just something your brain did for you to cope with your kidnapping."

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