Finale showdown (26)

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"Yeah, just you...and me..."

Shiggy hauled himself up, the sunset making his figure look like a silhouette. I hadn't even realized the sun was setting. Huh...the three rascals must be worried sick. But...I have a feeling I wont be home tonight. Well...let me just say my last goodbye.

He jumped down from the room and landed gracefully with a small thud. Once he had landed I finally took a good look at him. His hair was longer, his ruby eyes seemed to lose their glow, he also seemed to have a bigger build. We both had grown.

"Well would you look at this. My freckles is no long a little baby boy but a big grown man." He snickered as he shoved his hands in his jacket pocket.

"Well, you're one to talk. What happened to my scrawny tall Shiggy?" I asked with a small smirk tilting my head.

"Well, I guess your right. No, how about we stop playing around, and start getting down to business." A smirk seemed to creep onto his lips. He was excited.

I just chuckled and within seconds I disappeared from where I was standing and came from behind but not so much to my surprise, he whipped around and almost barely touched my cheek before I was able to pull myself back.

We both snickered and I circled around him slowly. I circled around him maybe two times before I noticed Spinners blade. I walked towards it slowly, when I was close enough I kicked it up catching it flawlessly. The small strips of red and black cloth that were tied at the bottom of the handle wrapped around wrist.

Once I readied my grip on the sword I lunged towards Shiggy only able to get a few foot cuts on him, the rest he just kept dodging. Normally he would rely on his quirk but this time he's actually dodging, with his hand in his pockets too...cocky bastard.

What felt like hours were only minutes, what felt like minutes felt like seconds. Time seemed to either be  going too fast or too slow. It felt like there was no in between.

We continued to spar until the blade was knocked out of my hands. He grabbed me by my wrist and swung me up onto the air. As soon as was in the air I quickly shot a bullet of air towards him, hitting him right on the gut knocking the wind out of him. We both seemed to collapse at the same time but only one of us was able to get up

I stumbled towards Shiggy, who seemed to be down and ready for the taking but as soon as I got to arms reach he grabbed onto my ankle and pulled my leg up making me lose my balance and fall down on my back.

As soon as I fell back, a sharp rock had him me directly on my spine causing my body to spasm and throw my head back. As soon as I did though, I instantly regretted it. When I threw my head back, I threw it back with so much force I heard a loud thud That probably gave me a concussion.

"UUGGGHHHH!! FUCK THAT HURT LIKE A MOTHERFUCKING BITCH!!" I groaned and cursed like a pirate. Shigaraki on the other hand was laughing so hard he was hugging his stomach.

"This is your fault, I have no idea why your laughing this hard moron." I groaned as I picked myself up, Shiggy doing the same as well but stumbling a bit more in the process.

"Yeah that's the funny part dumbass." He giggled. Weirdo.

We got into our fighting stances, staring deeply at the other's eyes. Somewhere along the line though, his ruby red glow had came back. His full red eyes were no more, the beautiful red color of wrath however had come back.

We each smirked at each other. We both knew just what was about to go down.

After a good ten minutes, we were both tired, mentally and physically. We were both injured, mentally and physically. We were both drained. If it wasn't for our sheer will, we would both probably be dead.

With a couple a couple of puff I picked myself up and wobbled over towards Shiggy, once I did however I just let myself fall on him making him groan. I straddled myself on top of him and cocked my arm back and let it swing into his face. I then cocked my other arm and let it hit his face. I then threw another punch, and another, and another.

He finally had enough because when I leaned in to throw another punch, he knocked his head against mine. This gave him an opportunity to grap my suit, bring me closer to him, and finally kick me off of him. I landed a couple feet away but immediately made my way back up to my feet.

I dusted myself off and ran back towards Shiggy who was already picking himself up. We both threw punches at each other but we both easily dodged them. We were so in touch with each other. Like we could see the others moves. None of us could even hit or touch the other. We were in complete sync. Nothing could stop our rhythm.

Or that's what I thought. I finally got the advantage and tripped him making him fall with a light thud. I ran up a wall then leaped off it of letting me jump high up into the beautiful starry night sky.

I once again shot an air bullet right into him making a small crater. I laned right ontop of him making a second small crater. I once again straddled myself ontop of him but he just smiled at me and lifted up his hand.

"You did such a good job. I actually have no more fight left in me. I love you...Freckles..."

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