Awoken (16)

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"Damn nerd!"



"Aww, our Zuzu is so talented!"

"Worthless piece of shit."

"Freckles! Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"Get up and fight me!"

"Our Freckles is gonna be a great villain!"

"From now on Deku is the name of a hero!"




"Get away...Deku..."

"Come here Freckles~"

My eyes shot open. I could feel the burning sensation of tears. I stared at the white ceiling but my vision became blurry. I felt my tears roll slowly down my earlobe. I tried to pick up my hand but I couldn't. I remember feeling this way before. I think this was sleep paralysis. I gulped on my silva not wanting to feel my tears but I couldn't move so they just kept coming.

After a couple minutes of laying still on my bed I left my leg twitch. My eyes widened causing my tears to stop for a moment. I closed my eyes trying to constant. I slowly picked up my arm and whipped my tears.

"Ah, finally..." I slowly pulled myself up and leaned against my pillows. My breathing was heavy yet calm.

"What was that? Dreams? No...they...they weren't dreams."


My eyes watered as that nickname kept replaying in my head.

I wiped my eyes before the tears could spill. I slowly pulled myself to the edge of the bed ready to go up as soon as my toes touched the floor, a jolt of pain rushed through my body making me whine.

"What the..." I shook my head ignoring what just happened and put my left foot down ready to get up but as soon as weight was put onto my foot, I felt eminence pain.

"ARGH!" I cried out because of the pain.

"No, I gotta forget!" I clenched my jaw and put my right foot forward making me cry out in pain. I was only about a couple feet away from my bathroom when I couldn't take it anymore and collapsed. My chin slammed on the floor making my eyes water.

"Shit..." I mumbled. I picked my head up ever so slightly so my face could rest on my  cheek instead.

After a couple of seconds of waiting I reached my hand forward and reached towards the doorframe of the bathroom.

"Come one, come on, come on!" I groaned trying my best to grab onto it but it felt like my torso was going to be split in half. This was literal hell.

Finally my fingers finally hooked onto the frame. With what little strength I had left I pulled myself foward and into the bathroom. Slowly but surely I crawled to the toilet grabbing onto the rim and pulling myself up. I sat down on the ontop of the toilet panting and feeling nauseous.

"Oh fuck me..." I groaned rubbing my temples together as I rocked back and forth slightly.

After a couple minutes I lifted my head up and turned to my left. I grabbed the small round handle and pulled open the drawer that was underneath my sink. I pulled it all the way out scanning r the blade but I couldn't them. I sighed shaking my head hoping I would see better but that just did the opposite.

"Fu-" Before I could even finish my sentence I leaned over and threw up over the floor. It wasn't chunky or had food, it was like foam. They probably didn't give me an IV.

"Ugghhh" I coughed not liking the throw up taste. For support I put one of my hand in the drawer  but ended up doing once again, the exact opposite.

I threw up again putting more weight onto the hand that was in the drawer. Instead on holding me up, it just crumbled under my weight.

"Shit!" I yelled as my upper half of my body fell along with the drawer. Not only that, the edge of the countertop hit me om my forehead and kept going as I feel. I groaned feeling even more dizzy.  I picked myself back up when I noticed a family small sharp object.

"There you are..." I sighed and leaned back down slowly and picked up the small box cutter blade. I fiddled with it for a bit until a red substance got into my eye.

"Eh?" I questioned. I lifted up my hand to where the cut was and trailed along it. I felt a long but shallow gash.

"Whatever..." I stopped fiddling with the blade and held it still.

"Damn nerd!"

"No! Stop it!" I yelled but soon realized it was just a voice.

"Fuck you Bakugo Katsuki. Fuck you you little shit." I clenched my jaw and trailed the blade across my wrist. The pain was relaxing and it felt like, a weight of satisfaction was lifted.

I gasped at this feeling. My hands trembled with impatience. Again on the same wrist I cut at it. Again and again. My mouth trembled along with my hands.


This was what I needed.

"Freckles. Are you okay?"

His voice lingered in my mind making me furious.


My eyes burned as tears  soon began flowing like a river.

"I shouldn't love them! They are villains!"

"Aww freckles, you're so adorable!"


I cried out not wanting to face my feelings. I gripped the blade and glanced at my other arm




Thin red blood quickly emerged from the cut I had just created. It trailed down from its ends onto the other side of my arm where they meet and collided with each other creating a droplet of blood then falling onto the while floor staining it.

"Ah, I'm-I'm tired. I wanna go to sleep. Ah, i-i think I overdid it..."

I crawled off the toilet and leaned against the wall of the bath tub with my slit wrists at my side. I tried to fight the sleepiness but it was already winning.

"Come here freckles~ Come back to your family."

"I'm coming...Shiggy..."

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