House of memories (20)

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It's been a week since my talk with All Might but I guess I really needed to hear that because....because I feel more in sync with myself. I dont know how to explain it but I feel better. I've stopped my self harm. I'm a week and a half clean. Overall, I've been happy.

Today was sunday so most of us were all hanging in the common area when I fit a craving for snacks. I checked the time on my phone then looked out the window to see that the sun was still up but it was gonna start going down soon.

"Hey, I'm gonna get snacks, if Aizawa sensei asks, tell him I went to the store." I said getting up and putting in my headphones and playing my music before shoving my phone in my pocket.

"Alright, don't come back too late or else you'll get in trouble." Uraraka warned.

"Yeah yeah, I know I know." I shrugged and headed towards the elevator.

As I made my way down I was so focused on the music. The base, the singers rough yet soothing voice, the drums, the base, the guitar. Everything. It's as if my mind only wanted to process the song.

I had gotten so lost in thought, I guess my mind went on autopilot because when I finally snapped out of my own world of music, I had a plastic bag filled with snacks around my wrist which was shoved in my hoodie pocket so they can keep warm.

I looked around to see if anything was familiar to my. I looked right, left, right and left again. Nothing was really familiar except...except the smell?

It smelled like ashes and burning oil. As I was trying to figure out why this smell was so familiar and intoxicating I saw a memory flash in my mind as if it were a movie.

"Freckles, try not to go outside a lot okay. The air if bad for you. Always stay inside or at least where it's not polluted. Okay?" His lips were chapped and had dark eye bags but his smile and tone were genuine. I just giggled and nodded intertwining our fingers together as I dragged him and the rest of my family to my play room.

When the memory had come to an end I felt a single tear slide down my cheek. I wiped my cheek dry and put up a smile as if I it didn't effect me. After a minute of staring into space I decided it was time to head back.



I whip my body around, my eyes scanning the area where I heard footsteps. I lifted up my hand ready to shoot a bullet of air as a type of warning shot but then he came out.

I let my hand drop to my side. My legs shook and trembled, my lip quivered, my eyes burned with the sensation of tears wanting to spill. I tried to talk but nothing came out. I wanted to say something, anything! Nothing came out.

In my state of shock I took a step foward but my legs gave out, collapsing understand my weight. Just as my knees were about to hit the rocky sidewalk, he was able to catch me with a soft smile.

"Izuku...its been quite a while hasn't?"
I heard a small chuckle erupt from his throat as he looked at me with gentle eyes.

I swallowed on my silva and pulled him into a tight hug which caused his formal shirt and tie get wrinkled. I felt a hand rub my back for comfort then whisper to me softly.

"Come. Let's go see our family." Was all he said and then he opened his signature purple warp gate.

I clenched onto his vest and buried my head in his chest.


Within seconds we were teleported to what seemed like another bar. A bar as their hideout...again. How unoriginal. I chuckle at the thought.

I look around but I don't see anyone.
Just as I was about to ask Kurogiri I hear a pair of footsteps.

"Hey Kurogiri, you get the foo-"

There was a heavy silence around us which made me a bit uncomfortable. I was about to speak up when I heard sniffles coming from the last person I thought would cry.

"CHUBBS!!" Dabi cried out as he ran towards me engulfing me in a tight hug. I felt his tears fall ontop of my hair and when I looked up at him his tears fell down onto my cheeks. I've never seen him so...broken yet...fixed.

I smiled and hugged him as tight as I could letting him continue to sob into our hug. After a while we pulled away and he clean off my cheek with his hand. Just like how he used to. I smiled biting into my lip trying to hold back my tears not wanting to let them fall but that all failed when I saw two ash blonds walk in the room side by side with each other talking amongst themselves but their conversation was cut short when they noticed me.

Toga was the first to run up to me with tears already running down her cheeks. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged her back resting my face in the crook of her neck like I used to whenever she would carry me.

I heard her sniffles and whimpers as he hugged me tightly. I gently rubbed her back as I whispered little nothings in her ear to calm her down. Once she was cal she pulled away and almost immediately Jin picked me up with a wide smiled and like everyone else his tears were already forming in his eyes making them look like glass.

"JIN!" I giggled

"ZUZU!" He exclaimed and wrapped me in a tight hug.

We stayed in our hug when from the corner of my eye I saw spinner and Compress walk in as well. We said our hello's an hugged. Afterwards we all sat down and started to catch up with each other. The only person that was missing was nowhere to be found.

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