Don't go (11)

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Shigaraki's P.O.V.

Today we had made plans to go out with Freckles but...something felt off. I don't know if it was just me but something was off. Well, I guess I'll push it aside for now. I walked to our common area where I saw Toga, Jun, and even Dabi looking like normal people.

Since the twins had no 'evil' looking features, they were ready to go. Freckles was always normal.

"Alright, time to go. Everyone let's go." I put up my hood and opened the door.

"Wait, we can't walk out of here with YOU looking like that. Come on, let's put on some makeup." Toga smirked mischievously and grabbed into my arm.

" What no-" But before I could resist they were already dragging me upstairs.

After about 20 minutes later they showed me a mirror. I my skin didn't look as pale anymore. My eye bags were gone and for once I looked like I had some color if my life.

"Wow, not bad...but I'm still not taking off my sweater." I chuckled and picked up Freckles.

"How do I look Freckles?"

"Shiggy isn't wrinkly anymore!" He giggled making everything snicker.

"Wow. Thanks Freckles." I chuckled and carried him back to the common area.

"Wow boss. Don't look like a dried prune anymore." Exclaimed Dabi.

"Haha, very funny Crispy. Come on, let's go." I smiled setting freckles down and opened the door when my heart dropped to my stomach.

I slowly closed the door and reached for Izuku.

"Go with the twins, leave through the back." I ordered. I looked at the twins who gave me a strange look.

"Just do it." I glared at them.

"Okay okay. Come on Izuku." They grabbed his hand and headed towards the back when


Our roof came flying off. Then an enormous shadow covered us.


The twins nodded and tried their best to escape but a pro blocked their way. Good thing that they aren't so sweet as they look.

Before the pro could do anything they had already turned him into a child with memory loss. Good, they'll get away. I turned my head to face the heroes. Everyone else had already started attacking. Without hesitation began fighting as well.

Normally we would just teleport but we needed the twins and Freckles to escape. I thought that they had already gone out of here but they got delayed.

I heard one of them scream which made me turn around. Ash was already captured by a pro and Ace was busy holding another one off.

"JIN! GRAB FRECKLES!" I yelled out disintegrating the hero I was fighting. I saw that Jin grabbed Izuku but then was stopped by another pro. We kept passing him around from hero to villain until I finally had him. By that time, I was sweaty and a little tired.

"KUROGIRI! I'VE GOT FRECKLES! LETS GO!" I yelled looking for him but only to see that everyone was pinned down.

Even Kurogiri.

"What, no... NO!" I hugged Izuku harder, tighter.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry Freckles..." I kissed the top of his head just before we were ripped apart.

The hero Eraser head pinned me down his hair was up and his eyes glowed.

It was useless. I heard the painful wails of Freckles calling out to me. My eyes started to blur as I felt tears slowly run down my cheeks. I hit my fist against the rubble making it bleed.


I cried out making eye contact with Freckles. His cheeks were a bright pink red from crying too hard. He probably has a headache already.

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled. I let my head fall. I just wanted to give up already. No matter how hard I tried to stop the tears they just kept coming.

"Hey kid stop! Wait what are yo- HEY!" I heard one of the other pros yell at someone. I looked over to see...Freckles? He had activated his quirk. He got loose from the heroes grip and knocked down the hero holding Kurogiri.

Then he went to help out Jin and Dabi who then went to help Toga and Spinner. Once they were all free Kurogiri opened a gate allowing spinner and Toga to get in first. Jin, Dabi, and freckles then came to help me. Once again I saw his hair fly up making the green electricity around Freckles disappear, but that didn't stop him.

He jumped on top of the hero allowing Jin and Dabi to pick me up and drag me to Kurogiri. But befor I entered turned back around



We reached for each other even though we were too far away. I wanted to jump out and get Izuku but Jin and Dabi pulled me back.

"I know. I'm sorry." One of them whispered before pulling me in the warp gate and dissapeared.

Just as soon as we entered the warp gate we got out of it. We arrived at another one of our hideouts. Everyone seemed so drained but I dont think it was the fight. I think it was something else. It was loosing our family member. Our baby brother. Our Izuku.

I breathed in and out, you could hear my breath come out shaky. My eyes were red and they stung from my tears but they wouldn't stop. I didn't want them to stop. I walked to the nearest wall and punched it making it decay.

"Hey, if you keep doing that, you make the whole thing is gonna decay." Spinner warned. I could feel the stares that were sent to him. I punched the wall again.

"Does it look like I give a damn lizard? Just shut the hell up. I have no idea why Freckles even wanted to save your stupid ass. Just be grateful that he did." I spit the words out of my mouth as if they were poison.


Why today?

Why them?


Why did you do it Freckles?

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