Your number 1 hero (22)

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"Midoriya. What wrong? You've been pushing yourself so hard. You collapsed in the middle of training!"
As I was listening to the lecture Aizawa was giving me, I saw recovery girls and All Might give me sad looks.

"I know I know. I just need to train to get better. Here's the deal. I take a week long break and then I make a schedule to manage how much time I tran and practice. Deal?" I asked as I began to get up from the bed putting on my school jacket.

"Fine deal but you have to be careful okay." He sighed and leaned against the wall with a long sigh.

"Don't worry I will. I have to live to become the number 1 hero after all don't I?" I chuckled putting on my shoes.

"Yeah your right, I guess you do." He let out a small chuckle and rolled his eyes.

Three years later

I'm now in my third you of UA high school. I'm number one, but it wasn't so easy to get to this spot. I had to get through many hardships. In the end it was all worth it.

"Hey! Stop! STOP! HE HAS MY CHILD!" I heard a woman scream, her voice cracking with pain.

I whipped my head to see where the scream was coming from. Across the street I saw man with red hair and a black mask running off with a child in his arms. I clenched my jaw and stomped on the ground and lunged towards him.

I grabbed the kidnapper by his neck and squeezed which made him groan in pain. He felt to his knees but sill kept a tight grasp on the baby which made the little one cry. With my free hand I placed it under the baby and whispered in his ear.

"Let the child go or I will snap your neck right here and now. So gently let go of the baby." I tightened my grip around his neck and I could feel his body tremble at my grip. I soon felt a small weight on my forearm and hand. I looked down to see the baby between my arm and the dudes chest.

I snickered and stomped my foot ontop of his calf which made his yelp out in pain. I shook my head and picked up the baby carefully. Soon Iida and an officer came and took the villain away. I looks down at the baby and saw his ginger hair and light brown freckles were sprinkled across his face. I smiled softly at the baby as I remembered what Shiggy used to call me.

"Hey there Freckles..." I mumbled as I rocked the baby in my arms.

"Oh my goodness! Thank you! Thank you so so much! I dont know what I would do without him." The mother came from behind me and looked over my shoulder to he her child.

I smiled and handed him over to her. "Hes really adorable. His freckles are cute." I chuckled and gave his head a little pat before waving goodbye.

"Hey Deku..." The woman said shyly.

"You'll a great hero one day." She smiled and gave me a thumbs up.

"I won't just be any hero. I'll be your number 1 hero. Everyone's number 1! Just you wait." I giggled with a toothy grin.

"Have a nice day now!" I smiled and jogged back over to Iida.

"Was that really necessary? The poor bastard was shaking when we put him handcuffs." He complained as we began to walk and continued our patrol.

"What, just a safety precaution. I just spooked him a bit. Nothing much." I shrugged with a little chuckle making Iida roll his eyes.

"Yep, and I'm guessing the bruised neck and leg was also a safety precaution?" He asked with an annoyed tone.

"Well in my defense he was carrying a child so I couldn't slam him to the ground. The leg was so I could still keep him there while I grabbed the kid." I chuckled.

"At least I didn't break a leg. I could have if I wanted to." I explained

"Just shut up so we can finish patrol." He groaned and walked faster leaving me behind.

"Whatever you say brotha~" I teased and walked faster to catch up with him.

Graduation day

When we all headed back to our dorms. Or diplomas in our hands and with an awkward silence engulfing us. Most of our belongings were already packed and in boxes ready to go. We k we this day would com but none of us thought it would come so soon.

We all headed to our rooms with gloomy faces and shut ourselves in. We all wanted to hang out but felt wrong.

We all stayed in our room not bothering to come out when I felt a buzz come from my phone. I got up from my desk to see Bakugo of all people messaged the group chat with our whole class in it. Even Mineta...sadly.

💣Bombs💣: Hey nerds, come to the common area, better fucking hurry!

🦈Sharks🦈: Come on guys it will totally be worth it!

Zoom Zoom🏃‍♂️💨: Yes come on guys! It's our last day here, let's enjoy it!

🐙Octopussy🐙: Well I guess your right, I'll be there in a bit.

🦇Prince of darkness🦇: Alright, I'm down. Be there in a bit

My phone kept buzzing with the sound on my classmates talking among themselves.

"Should I go? Nah, its probably not worth it..." I shrugged and continued to work on some of my gear for my hero costume.

"Oh come on Chubs~ We said we were sorry. Come on and play with us! Were your family!" Dabi picked me up pleading for me to join their family fun time but I just looked away ignoring him.

"Awww, come on Zuzu, play with us! It's gonna be super fun." Toga giggled ticking my stomach. I tried to look angry and keep my laughter inside but it couldn't help it and started to bust out laughing and kicking my little legs wanting her to stop with torture.

"Okay! Okay! I'll play...But I'm gonna beat you!" I giggled and jumped out of Dabis arms and landed on the floor then running towards Shiggy.

"SHIGGY! Let's play together okay!" I smiled widely making my nose scrunch and my eyes disappear.

"Whatever you say Freckles..."

"Wow, great. My own brain is guilt tripping me." I thought to myself. I sighed and got up from my seat and made my way to the common area. When I got there so was everyone else. On the table was somenof our favorite food and drinks. There were movies and games on on the side as well.  Seeing all this made me chuckle.

This reminded me of back then. The memories of 3 years ago. was better. My family had grown, I did too. I made my way to the dinning table and sat down next to Todoroki and Kaminari. I gave them a genuine smile and then looked at Bakugo who was right in front of of.

"I'm guessing you did all this? You know, with the help of your squad~" I teased pointing at Ashido, Enjiro, Denki, and Hanta.  They all gave me approving smiles. I chuckled and rested my head on Shoto's shoulder.

"Hey, I didn't make all this food for you dumbass's to just stare at it. What are you waiting for? Eat!" Bakugo yelled making us laugh and we all began to dig into the delicious food.

After we ate, we played some board games, video games and then settled down and watched some movies.

I know I said that I wanted to be the best hero, number one. I still am. I will become the number 1 hero. But...that can wait till tomorrow. Right now...I wanna be a teenager hanging out with his family. His friends. His lover...

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