Month 4 (8)

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Dabi's P.O.V.

We have had the little squirt for about four months now and its already December. Damn, how time flies. Izuku is already 4 and is gonna be 5 on Christmas day which isn't so far away. Since he's 4 we've all been teaching him new things. Even showing him how our quirks, our work, and showing him some tricks. Even thought he's only 4, he's really smart and gets a quick grasp on things.

Today was my turn to take care of Chunks. Since that Shiggy bastard has been stuck to him like glue, today if the first time in a while I've been able to hang with Izuku.

I walked to Izuku's play room and saw him playing with the train set I bought him the other day. He still hadn't noticed me. I smirked and crouched down next to him.

"BOO!" I yelled in his ear making him jump ecsesey.

"DABI! STOP IT!" He yelled back at me in a grumpy tone. Guess I shouldn't have done that. Well whatever he'll get over it.

"Sorry bud. Wanna play outside again today?" I asked patting his head. He smiled and ran past me heading outside. This is where we usually went to train and/or play with Izuku.

That's were he leaned most of his combat skills. He's been learning how to disguise his presence just like that vampire. Kinda weird but it's a useful skill.

I quickly followed after him swooping him up and putting him on my shoulders.

"Wanna play with the slingshot?"

"YEAH! SLINGSHOT!" He giggled making me smile.

"Alright! Slingshot it is." We reached out small training area and set him down. I went to grab the slingshot and Chunks went to grab some rocks, or whatever small items he could find around.

We met back in the middle and handed him the slingshot.

"Alright remember. Keep your hand steady. Don't keep a tight grip or you will shake, just enough that you don't let go." I smiled and handed him the slingshot. Unlike every other kid he didn't grab it so carelessly he was serious. He grabbed it calmly and put a small pebble in it and pulled it back.

He breathed in and let go. It didn't go that far but if went a somewhat good distance. We did this for a couple more times when I felt a presence. So did Chunks. He whipped his head around and giggled. He shoved the toy back into my hands and ran towards Shigaraki.

Wow, I thought today was my day. Well it's good, I wanted to talk to him. Shigaraki picked up Izuku and hugged him tightly.

"Hey Freckles, what were you doing with the brunt Chicken nugget?" He asked with a small chuckle.

"Ha ha, how very funny. Listen. I think the kid would be really good with a bow and arrow. Why don't we try getting a small one, his size and see how he does with it. Plus he'll be seven in like a month so what's the harm?"

"Well...I guess you got a point. I was thinking he would be better with a gun. Plus, it's easier and faster." He shrugged and I nodded. That might not be a bad idea.

"Oh hey, Compress said not to carry Chunks as much anymore since hes been getting lazy." I smirked devilishly. It was true but I also disliked the fact that boss was so close to the kid.

Boss reluctantly put him down and began walking back inside with Chunks. I smiled a bit thinking it was a small win for me but then Izuku grabbed his hand. Well his pinky. He held it tightly then proceeded to grab his forearm and hug him like that since he was so short.

My mouth dropped in shock.

"Hey! That's not fair! Today is my day!" I scoffed and ran to catch up with them.

"Freckles, who do you want to hang out with? Shiggy or Chicken nugget?" He asked crouching down to be at eyes level with Izuku.

"Mmm..." He looked between me and the boss then giggled.

"SHIGGY!" He threw himself onto Shigaraki's arms with a fit of adorable laughter.

"Wow..." I shook my head in disappointment.

"The child has spoken. Now begone peasant!" Shigaraki jokingly nudged me away as he interlaced his fingers with Izuku's and went of on their marry way.

"Whatever. I'll just hang with the twins."

I followed after them but only a few feet behind them. Once we were all inside we went our separate ways. I went towards the twins room. I swung open the door and walked in as if it had been my own room.

"WHAT ARE YOU PERVERTS DOING?!" I yelled hoping to surprise them but like usual, they just stared at me like I'm crazy.

"Are we aging Izuku again?" Ace asked.

"Doubt it. I think crispy here just want us to entertain him." Said the other as he faced his phone again.

"Brats. But yeah, let me hang with you." I walked in closing the door with my foot and plopped down on one of their empty beanbags. Once I comfortable I pulled out my phone and just played innit for a bit.

"Well, we were gonna buy groceries and more things for Izuku in a bit, wanna come?"

I do wanna get out...

"Yeah sure. Let me get ready." By ready I just ment covering up my scars as best as I could.

"Give me like an hour." I jumped up shoving my phone in my pocket and walked out their room.

After about an hour with most of my scars covered I walked back to the twins room.

"Alright fuckers, let's go."

"Wow, never heard of knocking? What if we were doing something?"

They said kinda pissed by the fact I just waltzed in.

I smirked.

"Well if you were I would join~" They smirked.

"Alright Chicken nugget, let's go."

Hey guys, the twins are my own oc's. You will find out more about them if you read my other story 'Second Chances' and 'When world's collide' just wanted to point that out or clear any confusion if anyone was wondering. Have a good day/ night and please vote. Love you guys and thank you so much for the support!! 🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜

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