Chapter One (Edited)

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Anna wakes up to Isaiah crying, she quickly jumps out of bed and gets him out of his moses basket "Hey baby. What's the matter?" she asks him quietly while rocking him gently, while taking him downstairs and getting his bottle ready. While she waits she quickly changes his nappy (diaper) and clothes.

She chuckles as she puts his onesie remembering Jacob helping her pick it out

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She chuckles as she puts his onesie remembering Jacob helping her pick it out. Soon the bottle is ready and she feeds him his milk "Okay Mummy needs to get dressed so you lie here for a minute okay?" she tells him, walking back upstairs and putting him in his moses basket after burping him.

Once dressed Anna picks up Isaiah and heads down when she hears her dad's cruiser pull up outside "You ready to meet your Auntie Bella?" she coos

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Once dressed Anna picks up Isaiah and heads down when she hears her dad's cruiser pull up outside "You ready to meet your Auntie Bella?" she coos. Isaiah looks at her with his big blue eyes and yawns, Anna chuckles and walks down the stairs. When she does she finds her Dad and Bella walking through the door. "Hey Dad." she smiles. "Hey Sweetheart. Hey Little Man come to Grandpa." Charlie smiles taking his grandson off Anna as she turns to her older sister. "Hey Bells." Anna grins. "Hi Anna." Bella half smiles. A couple minutes later Anna turns to their dad "I'm going to go down to Billy's with Isaiah." she tells him. "Okay can you help bring the thing up?" he asks. Anna nods "Yeah, can you grab Isaiah's bag while I plug him in his seat?" she asks. Charlie nods and walks into the kitchen. Bella turns to Anna "He is so adorable." she tells her sister. "Thanks Bells." Anna smiles as Charlie walks in with the changing bag. "Be back soon." Anna smiles as she kisses Charlie's cheek and picks up Isaiah in his seat. She goes out to her car and puts him in the back before driving down to La Push.

Anna pulls up outside the Black Residence and spots Jacob looking out the window, a few seconds later he's jogging out the house. Anna smiles and gets out her car putting her arms round Jacob's neck and he spins her "Anna! Where's the Little Man?" he asks putting her down. "In the back." Anna chuckles. Jacob goes round and gets Isaiah out his seat, along with his changing bag, Anna smiles and walks into the house with Jacob following. "Hi Billy." Anna smiles leaning down to hug Jacob's dad. "Hi Anna. Jacob give me Isaiah. I want to see my surrogate grandson." Billy smiles, Jacob chuckles and places Isaiah in Billy's arms. "Bella arrived so we should head up soon." Anna tells them. "Okay but first I messaged Embry and Quil, telling them you're here." Jacob grins. Anna chuckles "Is it to see me or my baby boy?" she asks jokingly. "Oh it's definitely to see Isaiah." Jacob jokes back. Billy chuckles and hands Isaiah to Anna "Well you kids have fun. I'm going to watch some TV before we head off." he tells the two teenagers.

"Let's go out to the garage. Dad finally let me start on the Rabbit now that we've got rid of the truck." Jacob smiles leading Anna outside and carrying Isaiah's bag. As they reach the garage they see Embry and Quil walk off the main road. "Hey guys!" Anna grins as they reach them. "Hi Anna." the boys respond in unison. Embry walks closer to Anna and smiles at Isaiah "He's definitely got your eyes." he comments as Isaiah holds his pinky finger. "You know you can hold him Emb. I trust you with him, you're one of my best friends." Anna tells him. Embry looks a bit nervous but slowly takes Isaiah into his arms. "Hey Little Man." he coos as the four teens and baby go into the garage. Jacob clears some space and puts a soft blanket down "Aw, Jake did you get this especially for Isaiah?" Anna asks as she looks at the blanket. "Yeah. Well he needs a clean, clear space to lie on and eventually sit on." Jacob shrugs with a smile. Anna grins at her friend and kisses his cheek "Thank you." she tells him as they watch Embry gently lie Isaiah on the blanket.

Anna sits next to her son and starts pulling funny faces at him "Anna? What are you doing?" Quil asks. "Babies learn different facial expressions and things within their first month of life." Anna explains beginning to gently stroke Isaiah's cheek. Quil makes an 'oh' gesture as Isaiah starts crying, Anna picks him up and sniffs "Yep nappy change." she tells the boys. Jacob hands her Isaiah's mat and changing stuff. Anna quickly and expertly changes Isaiah before gently rocking him to sleep. The three boys stare at her in astonishment. "What?" she asks. "That was faster than the weekend." Quil comments. "Yeah well you forget that this is what I do now." Anna shrugs smiling down at her son before looking up at the sound of a camera. She spots Embry smiling "I'll send you it." he tells her. "Oh also I forgot. My mum made this for Isaiah when I told her about the batman joke." Embry says handing over a brown paper bag. Anna lays Isaiah down and opens the bag before smiling "This is great!" she exclaims showing Jacob and Quil the present. "That's awesome!" Jacob admits. Quil grin and opens it fully "Is it bad I kinda want one?" he asks making the others laugh.

Soon Quil and Embry leave and Jacob, Billy, Anna and Isaiah go up to the Swan Residence

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Soon Quil and Embry leave and Jacob, Billy, Anna and Isaiah go up to the Swan Residence. Charlie walks out the house and greats Billy and Jacob as Anna gets Isaiah and his car seat out. Jacob runs over and gets the bag out for her "Thanks Jakey." she smiles as Bella walks out the house. Charlie turns to her with a smile "Bella, you remember Billy Black." he tells/asks Bella. "Glad you're finally here. Charlie hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming." Billy smiles. "Keep exaggerating, I'll wheel you down the hill." Charlie jokes. "Right after I ram you in the ankles." Billy retorts as he takes several rolls at Charlie, who dodges. Anna and Jacob shake their heads at their two fathers as they walk over to Bella. "I'm Jacob. We made mud pies together when we were little kids." he tells Bella. "Yeah... I think I remember... Are they always like this?" Bella asks. "It's getting worse with old age." Jacob jokes as Anna sits on a bench, placing Isaiah next to her. Charlie walks over and pats the hood of the truck "So what do you think of your homecoming gift?" he asks Bella. "No way. The truck is for me?" Bella asks. "Just bought it off Billy, here." Charlie smiles. "I rebuilt the engine and --" Jacob gets cut off by Bella "It's perfect!" she beams.

Anna smiles and looks at her dad "I'm going to head in. I don't want Isaiah to get too cold." she tells him, Charlie nods as Anna stands up and takes Isaiah inside. Once inside she gently takes him out his car seat and places him in his downstairs moses basket. Then she sits on the sofa and starts reading a book for her school work. After a minute or so the others walk in, Jacob taking the seat next to Anna "Do you want a lift tomorrow?" Bella asks her sister. "Oh. I don't go to school. I do it online so I'm with Isaiah. If I need help with anything I ask a friend from the reservation." Anna explains noticing Isaiah start squirming. She puts three fingers up and counts down with them, when she puts the last finger down Isaiah starts crying. Anna picks him up and looks at the time "He needs a feed." she realises. "Here. I'll hold him while you warm his milk." Jacob offers. "Thanks Jakey." Anna smiles handing him Isaiah. Once the milk is the right temperature Anna walks back into the living room. She smiles when she sees Jacob holding Isaiah to his chest while chatting to him. "You two having a good convosation?" she asks sitting down. "Yep. He's told me I'm his favourite Uncle." Jacob tells her. Anna rolls her eyes and takes Isaiah from Jacob "Course you are." she smiles as she starts feeding him.

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