𝟬𝟬𝟭. 𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲

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molly's pov

i wake up and check my phone, it's 10 am so i get out of bed and blast my playlist as i get ready. music has been the only thing to get me through the past 6 months ... about 8 months ago i started blowing up on tiktok, i was just doing it for fun and i never expected anything to come out of it but by the time i had been on the app for 2 months i already had 7 million followers! now i have 23 million. after that i was asked to join the hype house. i moved all the way from minnesota to california and switched my entire life around. when i moved out to LA i met nick and we hit it off right away, we've been together for 6 months. 

once i finished getting ready i found nick and my friends. i saw avani right away, "good morning bebe!" she said as she pulled me in for a hug. "good morning sunshine" i replied. i then walked over to find nick, i told him good morning and hugged him before avani pulled me aside to make tiktoks. 

"are you excited for the party tonight?" chase asked me. we had all just been hanging out all day saving our energy so we could party tonight. "yesss! so excited. dixie helped me pick out what to wear." 

it was almost time for the party to start so everyone headed to get ready. i wore a white dress, it was simple but i thought it was cute. after i finished getting ready i took photos and then headed downstairs where the party had already started. right away i found nick. "you look beautiful", he said. i blushed, i wasn't expecting that ... he had been distant lately. we continued talking and dancing for a while and at one point avani, josh, charli and kio joined in. kio and i have been close since i first started blowing up on tiktok. nick doesn't really like kio because a lot of our fans ship us together which i guess makes him feel insecure. i've tried to talk to him about it, i love nick with my whole heart but for some reason he still gets paranoid. 

at some point while we were dancing nick must have left. "chase have you seen nick?" i asked, confused. "uh i think i saw him go upstairs..." chase said. he seemed a little on edge. i told chase thank you and started to weave through the large crowd of people. this party was huge, but i mean they always were. i headed upstairs and started my search for nick. i must have called his name 100 times, "nick!" i shouted, "where are you?" i decided to check his room. i made my way down the hallway but it took a while to get through, there was a small crowd of people upstairs too. once i finally made it to nick's room i put my ear up to the door and heard quiet noises coming from inside. i slowly turned the door handle and poked my head into the room expecting to just see nick, and my jaw dropped.

- 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲

hi ! how are u ?

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