𝟬𝟯𝟵. 𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲

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molly's pov

"bryce! let me in," i say, banging on bryce's door. "fuck no, you're gonna yell at me," i hear him say. "i'm not gonna yell at you," i sigh. "please just let me in." there's a moment of silence before the door unlocks and opens and i see bryce standing in front of me. "i'm sorry," he pouts. i pull him in for a hug, "i know you like to stay out of drama," he says into my shoulder. "you don't have to say sorry," i say softly, pulling away. "i wanted to thank you, you've stuck up for me throughout this whole thing. and you always did before too. i don't know what i did to deserve you, but i couldn't ask for a better big brother."

bryce smiles widely, "i love you, molls." he says, "i love you too bryce. okay now i need to go handle the mess you've made." i laugh.

bryce and i walk back into the kitchen and the first person i see is kio. "i see you finally got up," i say to him, smiling. "and i see you're in more drama." he replies. "not me, bryce," i roll my eyes playfully, "but now i'm the one who has to fix everything." 

"okay, well anyways i'm gonna make waffles. and only for molls, the rest of you can't have any," kio says, eyeing everyone in the room. they all groan, before leaving the room so they can avoid the smell of the waffles they aren't allowed to have.

"what do i even say?" i ask kio, staring down at my phone. "i mean i have to address it, right? this whole thing does revolve around me." kio sighs, "well- i mean yeah, i think you should address it. just keep it short and sweet, you don't wanna get yourself into more drama." i nod my head in agreement, looking back down at my phone and clicking the button to create a tweet.

"by the way," kio starts, "after this can we like, never talk about nick again? i don't know- i guess i just... feel like i have to live up to him. like i constantly feel compared to him. or i feel like a rebound," he says nervously, running his hands through his hair. i look back up at the boy, a look of sympathy on my face. "kio, i'm so sorry, i didn't even realize. you shouldn't feel that way at all. i can honestly say that you've treated me better this past month than he did our entire relationship. you don't need to live up to anyone, and you aren't a rebound. i wouldn't do that to you. i'm so sorry i made you feel that way." he smiles and pecks my lips. "that makes me feel a lot better, thank you," he says sweetly before turning back to the waffles.

right as i'm about to tweet something nice and just try to resolve everything without any drama, nessa runs into the room. "molly! oh my god, you have to see this. it's gonna make you really angry though so um, just please don't take your anger out on me," she says, handing me her phone. i laugh, "nessa you're so short, if i took my anger out on you i would end up accidentally killing you." nessa crosses her arms, "rude! okay, now look at what i showed you, this is important." i shift my gaze to the screen, reading what's in front of me. my eyes widen, and anger fills my body as i look down at nessa's phone. "oh hell no."

- 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲

YALL ITS NICKIS BIRTHDAY ! i better see all of you wishing the queen of rap a happy mf birthday today

also sorry for the cliffhanger ily all pls don't kill me, i'll update as soon as i can i just can't bring myself to write anymore it's 2am and i have to wake up in 6 hours for school

(word count 665)

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