𝟬𝟮𝟭. 𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲

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molly's pov

"hey" i said, getting nessa and avani's attention. "i'm gonna go find kio."

they agreed and i started to head upstairs to his room. i walked in and saw kio on his bed, scrolling through his phone. we greeted each other and he pulled me in for a hug. his hugs were the best. "let's go downstairs" he said. 

once we were downstairs he got us both a drink and we just danced and talked. after a while we were both completely drunk. i was slurring my words and couldn't even walk in a straight line. we were still dancing but it was getting more and more intense. our bodies were moving perfectly in sync. i felt like all of my worries had gone away and i was just focused on kio. i don't know if it was just the alcohol but he looked so perfect. and so happy. i loved seeing him happy. he's been through a lot, he deserves happiness  i'd never seen him this way before. maybe kio was what i needed. 

there was so much tension between us. i could tell he felt it too. 

before i knew it, kio grabbed my hand and led me back upstairs to his room. we could both barely walk in a straight line. 

he locked the door and then he put his lips on mine. it felt so right. and so good. like our first kiss at the beach, but ten times better. in that moment it was just us and it was perfect. 

the kiss got more and more intense and eventually turned into us making out. "jump" kio said softly, breaking the kiss and then quickly reconnecting our lips. i jumped into his arms and he quickly brought us across the room, setting me down onto his dresser. i tugged on his shirt, signaling for him to take it off. 

*a/n - now realizing i completely forgot to add it in but of course they use protection. i never wanna promote unsafe sex ! so sorry i completely forgot to write that part originally

eventually i hopped off of kio's dresser and pushed him onto his bed. i got onto his lap and straddled him, kissing his neck. he groaned as he pulled up my dress, slowly taking it off. he flipped us over and took off his pants, kissing me again. we both quickly took off everything we still had on. "are you sure?" kio asked me. i nodded my head and he thrusted into me. i gasped and then let out a soft moan. he started off slow but increased his speed with every thrust. "fuck" kio whispered in my ear, giving me chills. i moaned loudly as we both finished at the same time.

after we were done we just layed there for a while as kio held me in his arms. i could have fallen asleep right then but i new that everyone would be wondering where we went. i stumbled out of the bed, forgetting how drunk i was. we both got dressed and i left the room, kio following close behind me. 

"hey-" nessa said when she saw us walking down the stairs. "where the fuck were you guys?" josh said, interrupting her. "they were probably fucking" i heard bryce say sarcastically. kio and i stared at each other, and then back at our friends. "well-"

- 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲

sorry for not updating yesterday this is my first time writing smut and i was taking my TIME on it because i literally had no idea how lmao and i wanted to make sure it was at least decent, but on another note thank you sm for almost 8k reads :)

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