𝟬𝟯𝟭. 𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲

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molly's pov

my eyes fluttered open to see nessa hovering above me. "today's the day," she said in an irritated tone. "i still can't believe you're going to talk to nick, i love you but you're so fucking stupid for that molls." she says, pacing around the room. i sit up and roll my eyes, mimicking her tone. "that's all it is ness, he just said he wants to talk. it's different this time, we're broken up, my feelings for him are gone, i like kio." i reply to her.

she sighs, "whatever... speaking of kio, have you told him?" i pause for a second, thinking. "now that you mention that, no i haven't," i say to her. "molly! tell him!" she whines. "if you really want whatever is going on between you guys to actually go somewhere, you need to be honest with him."

"i-i know... i just- don't know how he'll react." i say as i climb out of bed. "i just don't want to hurt him. but- i guess you're right. i'm gonna tell him." i grab my phone off of the charger, debating on whether i should call him or text him. i decide to call him and click on his contact, pressing the call button. after a few rings he picks up the phone. "hey molls," he says, his voice raspy. i can tell he just woke up. "oh shit, did i wake you up? i'm sorry."

"um- yeah, but it's okay. i'd rather talk to you." my heart sinks as he says this. what am i doing going to see my ex? kio cares about me, he treats me better than nick ever did, and we aren't even together yet. i sigh as i think for a minute about what i should do. "molls?" i hear kio calling my name through the phone, i must have zoned out. "oh- um, can i come over?" i say as nessa eyes me, a smile spreading across her face. "yeah, of course," kio answers. "okay, be over in a bit." i smile and hang up the phone. "so, no nick?" nessa asks me. i climb out of bed and start walking to my bathroom to take a shower before looking back at her. "fuck him."

- 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲

hi <3 short chapter but i have a lot of inspo rn so i'm most likely gonna be posting a few more chapters today that will be much longer.

(word count 412)

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