𝟬𝟮𝟲. 𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲

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molly's pov

we spend the next few hours filming josh's youtube video, we played never have i ever. once we finished, we made some tiktoks. kio and i decided to make some together, which i was nervous about because i didn't want the fans to suspect anything if we got too close. 

"i think i'm gonna go live," bryce said to the group. we all nodded in agreement, turning towards his phone as he started an instagram live. he smiled at the camera as thousands of people started to join. "hey y'all," he said to the phone. "so, i'm here with josh, nessa, blake, kio, and molly. we were bored so we decided to go live." nessa lays her head in my lap as i move closer to bryce's phone so i can look through the comments. i try to find some questions to answer. 

i roll my eyes seeing comments about nick. bryce notices and looks to see what's bothering me. he sighs, "umm, give us some questions to answer." he says, trying to stop the comments that were bothering me. 

i smile at him as the comments are flooded with questions for everyone in the group. "so blake, they wanna know what's up with you and amelie?" bryce says, snickering. blake's face turns red as we all turn around to look at him. "umm- just friends." he says. he's not a very good liar. we all laugh, turning back to the live. "bryce, what about you and addison?" blake says, smirking. now it's bryce's turn to be embarrassed. "well- she's great but- just friends. yeah." he says, cringing at his words. 

bryce's pov

hoping i hadn't accidentally exposed anything about addison, i look back at the comments, reading them in my head. quite a few of them are asking about molly and nick. "k, can you guys stop asking about nick, please? it's fucking annoying, leave molly alone. i'm sure she doesn't want to be reminded of someone who che- someone who she isn't involved with anymore." my eyes go wide as i finish my last sentence, realizing what i just said. molly's head snaps around quickly, her eyes going even wider than mine. the room goes completely silent as she stands up, walking out of the view of the camera. "um-okay you guys... i think we're gonna end the live, love you all! bye," i say, turning off the camera. 

molly's pov

"bryce what the fuck?" i yelled as soon as i knew the live was off. "molls- i'm so sorry." he says to me. "it wasn't on purpose!"

"molly maybe this is for the best!" blake says, trying to calm us all down. "nick's fans deserve to know who he really is." i roll my eyes, "no, you don't understand!" i start to say, "he's not a bad person! i would know! i don't love him anymore... but i do still care about him and now everyone is gonna hate on him. he doesn't deserve that! if anything it's my fault," i say, tears forming in my eyes. "i wasn't there for him enough- and i was a shitty girlfriend. and what he did was wrong but... i really don't blame him."

everyone in the room looks at me with sympathy in their eyes. "molls come on, don't ever say that. you cared about him so much. he's the one who cheated, not you." nessa says, wrapping her arms around me. i wipe the tears from my face and say "it's fine, i'm fine, maybe they didn't hear anything anyways."

"uh- i wouldn't be so sure." josh says, we all turn around quickly. "check tiktokroom."

- 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲

sorry for not updating for so long but i'm ab to be on thanksgiving break so i'm gonna hopefully be writing a lot :)

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